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Old Clays...ok?


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I have about two pounds of Clays, that's been stored in it's original container for around six years in my barn. Should it be ok? I noticed it's darker in color than what being produced now. (I bought a small container of new Clays.) Thanks!

BTW: Clays is what I use for .38 Special and .45 ACP, for plates/pins and PPC.

Jim in Texas

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I have powder older than that that works fine, with no appreciable change in burn characteristics that I can see by chrono'ing newly loaded ammo vs. old, using the same powder.

Storage does matter, especially heat. Kept dry and cool, the powder is not likely to have the changes mentioned on the Hodgdon site.

If you don't trust it, dispose of it, which is what I did with some shotgun powder that absolutely nobody wanted.

The best way to dispose of deteriorated smokeless powder is to burn it out in the open at an isolated location in small shallow piles (not over 1" deep). The quantity burned in any one pile should never exceed one pound. Use an ignition train of slow burning combustible material so that the person may retreat to a safe distance before powder is ignited.

I have to confess, the only instruction I followed was the word "burn". 8# of powder in a pile lit with a rather short powder trail - great fireball, almost no eyebrows. B)

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Yeah, use the nose, if it stinks, it goes!

I have some AA7 powder that is over 12 years old and it still chronos the same as it did when it was new. I buy powder in multiple large container lots and have plenty of stock over 5 years old.

Trick is storing it in shade, constant temp and dry conditions with the jug sealed tight. With that type of treatment, no reason powder can't go 20+ years in storage and still be in spec.

Once again, smell it, you'll know.

6 years, it's still a pup ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
The best way to dispose of deteriorated smokeless powder is to burn it out in the open at an isolated location in small shallow piles (not over 1" deep). The quantity burned in any one pile should never exceed one pound. Use an ignition train of slow burning combustible material so that the person may retreat to a safe distance before powder is ignited.

I have to confess, the only instruction I followed was the word "burn". 8# of powder in a pile lit with a rather short powder trail - great fireball, almost no eyebrows. B)

That is funny.. :D :D

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