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The Addiction Grows


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SO... I picked up a 686 off gunbroker last Sunday for an unbelievable price. Then I get an email from a buddy who's selling some of his collectibles. One of these is a pretty little 20 gauge Ruger Red Label, which I bought the wife for Christmas. Last night, I'm at my local gun shop doing the transfer paperwork for these two and I see on consignment, a shiny bauble that turns out to be a nickel plated 25-5 Mountain Gun in .45 LC that has never been shot. The price for this bauble is less than 4 bills so I turn to my fellow addict and say " You'd better add this one to the call-in sheet." I've spent all my Christmas bonus before I even get it :(

Now the delimma. Do I have the cylinder cut on the 35-5 to accept moonclips or do I save up my pennies and buy a 625? The 25-5 is definitely a BBQ gun soI don't know if I want to do anything to it. Help!!!

PS I don't have possession yet so I can't post pictures

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Cool though it might be, reloading a moonclipped 45LC would be sort of like loading moons with short cigars into the cylinder. It's a cool gun the way it is.

I would suggest getting a seperate 625 if the purpose was shooting matchs, but keep the 25-5.

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My name is Tony and I too am a Gunaholic.

It was terrible.

My dealer had 4473 forms pre-printed with my name and address already on them.

I have been gun purchase free for almost a year now.

It has been difficult but I just take it one day a time.

I'm usually okay as long as I don't smell burning gunpowder.

However, one good whiff of Hoppes No.9 and I'm off the wagon.

I just can't take it.


Edited by tlshores
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Now the delimma. Do I have the cylinder cut on the 35-5 to accept moonclips or do I save up my pennies and buy a 625? The 25-5 is definitely a BBQ gun soI don't know if I want to do anything to it. Help!!!

Perhaps you can just have a 45 ACP cylinder fit to the frame ?

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I love me Ruger Red Label!!!!

I have the .20 as well.

What did you pay for that puppy?

man, I wish I could find one of those for a good price!!

$850, about half of what Ruger lists them for new and it has seen very little use.

I've got some .45 AR brass. I might load up some of them and see how they shoot before I have it moonclipped. Of course, keeping it as is, means I'd have to buy another gun....yeah, that's the ticket...another gun. Tony, I guess I won't see you at the next meeting of GA.

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I've got some .45 AR brass. I might load up some of them and see how they shoot before I have it moonclipped. Of course, keeping it as is, means I'd have to buy another gun....yeah, that's the ticket...another gun. Tony, I guess I won't see you at the next meeting of GA.
Don't grab that .45 AR brass too quickly. IIRC, the AR rims are a lot thicker than LC rims, to the extent that you won't be able close the cylinder.

I wouldn't moonclip it either. Makes it too hard to stick the rounds in the loops on your BBQ rig. ;)

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