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Zeroing The Redding Seating Die

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What is the easiest way to zero the micrometer at your desired bullet length on the Redding competition seating die?

I have the seating depth set nicely, now I would like to zero the scale out. Is it a just a trial and error adjustment until you get the scale zeroed on your wanted bullet length? I first tried just holding the current depth with the provided allen wrench and turning the micrometer to zero. It got me closer but was off by about .010. Must not have a 1 to 1 thread ratio between the die threads and the zero adjustment allen threads.

Not a big deal but was just curious if someone had a proceedure to nail it.

Well I did a search sorry about not doing it earlier, I found EricW's proceedure.


Setup (for those who wondered):

Adjust the die down so it hits the shellplate (ram up) then back it off until the micrometer gradations are in a convenient spot. Lock the die down. Set the micrometer so that it is zeroed out. Then, using the large allen wrench (supplied), place the long end of the wrench into the hole at the end of the micrometer. This is the "calibration" adjustment. You will use this to adjust your "zero" seating depth. Use the wrench to adjust the seater to the correct OAL length for your ammo while holding the micrometer at zero and... Shazam! You're done and zeroed.

No muss. No fuss.


Edited by joelhilgy
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I have two of these seating dies and love them both. However, in my experience they will never get you exactly back to the previously used length every time. It gets you very close but you still need to check your oal. They are nice if you load for a couple different weight heads. No need for big wrenches to come out every time.


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I've never found the need to "zero" it out. With each new batch, I run the length out a few twists, seat the first bullet, measure the length, reset the depth within 5/1000's, reseat, measure, reset, reseat, measure. Load 3 more bullets, measure. How's that for anal retentiveness?

I've found that the Redding CSD gradations are great for changing the depth from one setting to another, but still use the tried and true methods.

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what you want to do is set it to zero in the middle and then put the allen wrench in and adjust that till you get your desired bullet OAL. Then when you change bullets you turn the dial to adjust it then when you go back to your first bullet you remember where it was set before you moved it. etc etc etc.

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