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650 Problems Not Indexing/crushing Case Edges

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So I have my 650 set-up to load both 9mm and .40. I don't seem to have the problem as bad with the .40 set-up, but it happens every9-10 rounds with 9mm.

The problem is that it that the shell plate does not seem to index into the proper space all the time. Sometimes it "snaps" into place but when the handle is pulled, but when the platform rises the 9mm shell is just slightly off-center on powder funnel. If I don't catch it when loading, I end up crushing just the edge of the case, and when not noticed the bullet gets seated. Below are photos of the case in this off-center position, and a photo of what the finished bullet looks like when loaded with a crushed corner of the case.

Any ideas of what is going on, or should I call dillon to have them perform a refurb?



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Based on the pics, the first action I suggest is to clear the cases from the shellplate, remove the shellplate, clean underneath, especially around the detent ball, then readjust the shellplate bolt tension. If you push down on the edge of the shellplate at station four, it should not feel springy. The shellplate appears to be set a bit loose in your photos. Be sure to snug the set screw on the side of the shaft after adjusting the tension. :ph34r:

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Make sure the platform has not become loose or out of alignment. The locator tab could also has gotten loose,and all the springs associated with the movemnt of the sheel plate are up to speed.

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My Dillon 550 manual recommends that each of the dies be tightened into place with a round inside. I took it a step further. I tightened each of them with the ram full up and a case in each station. That forced the dies to be aligned the the same.

Your picture suggests that the decapping/resizing die is properly on the case but that the powder die is not. That suggest that they either weren't tightened as I suggest above, or the tool head itself is out of alignment.

Just on the off chance that the problem is something else, I've had some problems with alignment and my 550. I discovered that I sometimes move the shall plate a bit either when I insert a new case in station 1 or when I place a bullet on the case at station 3 (your station 4, I believe). I make a point of ensuring I don't move the shell plate from its indexed position and have not had a problem since.



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