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Shooting From Moving Platform?

Religious Shooter

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To generalize my question... If you are on a moving platform/car and you need to engage targets what specific techniques are you using? How do you shoot them?

On the roller coaster stage at the some initial engagement time for some targets the shots were at least 20+ yards --- the first mini-popper on the left. Did you guys point shoot those targets?

Did you trap them? For example did you hold your gun to the left/right of the target and as your sights moved into the target you broke the shot?

Or were you actively moving the gun and chasing the targets?

I was reading a gunzine that said that if you were on a moving vehicle (5 MPH+) in order to get any hits you didn't utilize your sights. You basically point shot. True? False? Mabye?

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If you want to make hits on the target while moving, AIM and be smooth on the trigger just like any other target. And yes, I hit the poppers on the roller coaster.

On the left side you shot the popper first because it was the first target visible, on the right you needed to shoot the popper last to avoid a possible 180 situation even though the popper could be seen first.

If your shooting against me and the guys I know, please point shoot like the gun rag suggests. If you do not aim you will hit nothing.

I found that when I started shooting IPSC/USPSA/IDPA I stopped paying attention to the writers in the rags.

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Depends on the target. If you're moving forward and the angles allow for slower approaches towards it, you can engage as if you're almost straight away. Just comes down to the stability of your shooting platform at that time.

You will be aiming, and floating the gun a lot of times (if not most of the tim) when shooting while moving.

And as stated, most of what other gun magazines have to say about shooting is crap as they still annually debate the .308 vs. 30-06 and find it to be a worthwhile topic AGAIN to discuss.


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On that stage you had to use sights. What you don't want to do after the reload is get your thumb under the safety. Ask me how I know. Engaging the safety and ignoring the roller coaster brake at the same time isn't recommended!

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Twice I have shot stages from a moving whatever. You DO NOT hit anything without aiming PERIOD. As always when shooting on the move, just shoot the sights. My treadmill at home has taught me how to follow the bouncin' ball ;-)

Point shooting is an old urban legend and a total loser move beyond a certain distance (4-5 yards IME).

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