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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Idpa Match Success


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Okay, not first place, not even in the top three. However, my goals for my second IDPA match were to increase speed a bit and to keep my head engaged in the Course of Fire. The first because I'm accurate but very slow, and the second because I took a 3 second penalty for out of sequence shooting at a practice match. :)

Of ten shooters I was fifth in accuracy and seventh in time. Last weeks match I was ninth of thirty-eight in accuracy and timed with the Novice level CDP shooters. Considering that I've had my 1911 for two weeks and have been shooting less than 3 months, I'm not unpleased. There's a long list of things to get better at, but doing okay and still having all my fingers and toes is what I'm shooting for. :)



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