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Command "hammer Down" Is Dangerous!


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For the lack of better judgement, I went to a past-its-prime Tuesday night "match" yesterday, and was immediately asked to set up the course of fire. I set up a little paper/steel ditty that was rejected by the shooters (One even said "I dind't come here to shoot the Nationals! :wacko: )

So I rearranged it, but it wasn't tatical enough (at this point I remembered why I stopped coming) so half of the lights were turned off, and a fog (FOG?) machine was brought out. Having invested too much time to not shoot, I began to run people through the course of fire. Once the first person finished, I stated "If you are finished, unload and show clear...if clear. hammer down...holster."

"We don't practice unsafe commands here!" the shooter shouted. "Our policy is to NEVER pull the trigger unless we are intending to shoot something." I calmly explained that this provided an additional layer of safety, just in case there was a phantom bullet hiding inside the gun. I ran the next shooter the same way, and this fired up the group.

So I shot, dropped my hammer (LOOKOUT) and left. I have never felt so negatively about shooting in my life until last night. I am better now, and focused on my goals for next season. Thanks all for letting me vent. One can find not only answers and friends on these forums, but catharsis as well :D

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This is why National affiliation with USPSA or IDPA is so much better than matches run by guys who play by their own rules.

Well, the club is affilated with USPA at this time, but management has changed over the summer. I do not think that they will reaffilate in Feb.

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My small range can get kinda stuffy too. Guys complaining and back stabbing about petty stuff. I once saw a guy at the tues night indoor match fire a round in the floor 2 ft. from his toes (with a revover!)...he said he wasn't sure if he had any more bullets! Hammer Down works for me, especially around those too comfortable with each other and their guns.

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Hmm... fog machine... Sounds like something I'd better mention at the range for the winter league season. :D:D:D

Hell, there's been crabbing and cheating and god-knows-what-all sometimes at past league matches. I'm not sure we can get away without it. It DID drive away some good people, though. It was--for me, anyway--also getting expensive. I've taken a sabbatical from matches. Might do one in the spring. I dunno. We'll see. :unsure:

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Off topic but if you ever get the chance to shoot a match with a fog machine and a laser sight, it is a must! It really gives you a chance to see all the things that you do with the gun and places that you point it, intentionally or not. It was a fun and eye opening experience.

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Fog machines are fun (my wife bought one for her Halloween props). I've thought of bringing one out to matches but I think despite the cool factor it would be a bad idea as it would not present the same challenge to each shooter. The fog is fairly hard to control and without a fog chiller it goes every which way. A fog chiller is not hard to build but it adds a new more complications, and then the fog lays on the ground, but then whats the point, as it wouldn't do anything to obscure the targets?

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Thanks for the empathy guys...it really was my fault expecting more than I should have. Although the fog machine was added to give the stage an "Element of reality...??", L9X25's comment has me thinking positively about the other night! Now when I reflect upon it, I can say that we were at a party :D

Lasers, fog, techno music...It's a USPSA rave! :rolleyes:

Sometimes, the best practice still is spent at home dryfiring.

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I shot with a group once similar to what you experienced PBender. I rode the night out, made sure I didn't drink the cool aid while I was there, and never went back. Those fellows were in their own little world and pretty much thought the Delta force should come to them for tactical advice and training. God bless their deluded minds.

About the fog machine:

Shot a low light match where you were in a disco. Fog lights, strobes, colored lights and props. Very cool. One guy shot it with a gun mounted light and laser. He burned that stage down. It wasn't as much as a hinderence to seeing the targets as I thought it would be FWIW.

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I love the, "what if you're in a dark (foggy) alley and you have only your carry gun?...(dun, dun, duh!)...WHAT DO YOU DO!".

I think from a "tactical" perspective, I would have avoided the situation to begin with. Dark parking lots, ATM machines where 3-4 bad guys can walk up on me and any situation where shooting from my car is better than just running over them and/or driving away (I do drive a lifted Tahoe after all).

That said, there are way too many weirdos out there that think that they are doing something good. The entire concept of thinking 'hammer down' is unsafe is simply...stupid.


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It is amazing what some groups will come up with as safe when left alone too long. I went to carbine club match at public range once. It had a typical covered shooting lane. Everybody had there guns on table facing downrange. Except that they were all playing with there ammo, putting loaded mags in the gun. The whole time some poor fool is out front of them running a course of fire.

I went back to my car watch for awhile. Half expecting somebody to get shot. Finally I just left.

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I had my first little "hammer down" suprise a few weeks ago. I brought my Glock 35 out of storage to shoot. I was by myself and thought the gun was empty but just by force of habit, I always hammer down before I holster. BOOM, right smack in the middle of the A-zone :blink:

Sounds like these guys need a refresher on the rules.....bummer.

Fog would be cool. Then we can incorporate that with my car idea and it would be just like shooting in the CA Central Valley ;)

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