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With Ca Gun Laws How Is One To Shoot Ipsc/uspsa?

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Legally, there is nothing you can do to get hi-caps in CA. If you live out of state, they can be bought from many suppliers. End of story.

It would be very bad juju to spell out any specific methodology to create new hi-caps for possesion in a banned state, or a path to purchase same on a public forum. I hope the reason for this is understood by everyone.

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Legally, there is nothing you can do to get hi-caps in CA. If you live out of state, they can be bought from many suppliers. End of story.

It would be very bad juju to spell out any specific methodology to create new hi-caps for possesion in a banned state, or a path to purchase same on a public forum. I hope the reason for this is understood by everyone.

excuse me for that. just a bit frustrated about my government right now. How Can I compete if I never owned a doublestack prior to the ban? How do contenders from out of state compete it CA? Is there any legal "exception to the rule for Competition shooters?

I again realize the importance of keeping things legal, and I apologise if I did anything to jeopradize this fine forum, though I'm only excercising my constitutional right to freedom of speech before that gets banned. :(

So since I have a home in AZ and FLA... how does one create a mag capable of holding 28+ rds.?

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You can legally purchase them in AZ and FLA if you live there, but you cannot legally keep them in a CA residence unless they were purchased while you lived in CA before the ban and kept here ever since because of your continuous residence in CA. I hope you understand what this means.

Depends on the gun as to how high caps are made. For S*I type 2011 series pistols, there are one piece tubes, or weldups available and you can take standard cap ones (16-18 rounds) and add +2-4 extended basepads. Glocks can only get extra capacity through extended basepads. The Taylor Freelance Glock ones allow up to +11.

Hope this helps

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You can legally purchase them in AZ and FLA if you live there, but you cannot legally keep them in a CA residence unless they were purchased while you lived in CA before the ban and kept here ever since because of your continuous residence in CA. I hope you understand what this means.

Depends on the gun as to how high caps are made. For S*I type 2011 series pistols, there are one piece tubes, or weldups available and you can take standard cap ones (16-18 rounds) and add +2-4 extended basepads. Glocks can only get extra capacity through extended basepads. The Taylor Freelance Glock ones allow up to +11.

Hope this helps

George thank you for asking one of my questions, though it only leaves me with more questions.. I fully understand I can purchase these mags in AZ and FLA, though their still only 22 rds. when said and done after an extended baseplate. How does one get 28+ rds of .38 super out of say a PARA?

You can legally purchase them in AZ and FLA if you live there, but you cannot legally keep them in a CA residence unless they were purchased while you lived in CA before the ban and kept here ever since because of your continuous residence in CA. I hope you understand what this means.

Depends on the gun as to how high caps are made. For S*I type 2011 series pistols, there are one piece tubes, or weldups available and you can take standard cap ones (16-18 rounds) and add +2-4 extended basepads. Glocks can only get extra capacity through extended basepads. The Taylor Freelance Glock ones allow up to +11.

Hope this helps

George thank you foransweing one of my questions, though it only leaves me with more questions.. I fully understand I can purchase these mags in AZ and FLA, though their still only 22 rds. when said and done after an extended baseplate. How does one get 28+ rds of .38 super out of say a PARA?

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You might want to give some serious thought to L10, Production, and Single Stack. Believe it or not a lot of people shoot those divisions even if they have a choice because they are FUN. Personally I like hard tasks and breaking down stages for smaller mags and planning your reloads is a lot more interesting to me then picking up a gun holding enough ammo to shoot most longs stages without a reload.

So consider starting in those divisions. You may find the game more interesting, practice skills that would help you even if you decide those divisions are not for you, and it keeps you from running yourself into prison because you weren't fully aware of the legal implications in your state.

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I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice! But, the law says you can not import, manufacture, or possess a hi-cap mag. I don't see how it can prohibit you from having such mags in Az or Fl. Just don't bring them to Ca.

That said, you are mostly screwed by other laws. You can no longer buy an STI here because they are not on "the list". I think there still may be a couple of SV guns. Contact SV for their view. I think the only other fat guns that can be sold in Ca are Para, Springfield, and Bar-Sto. The only way to get an off list gun is to find one used and already possessed by a private party in Ca.

And don't expect things to get better since the new law that came into effect in January requires a mag disconnect safety and a chamber loaded indicator.

There are some guns excluded from the list for OLYMPIC competition. For now, that ain't USPSA/IPSC.

You can read about all this fine stuff and more at:


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though I'm only excercising my constitutional right to freedom of speech before that gets banned. :(

Welcome to the forums. For what it's worth the above argument "constitutional right to freedom of speech" does not apply on this board ---- since it's privately paid for. That said, folks around here generally need to be spammers, or obnoxious enough that most of us would throw them out of our houses, before they get banned. We try very hard to be polite and civil here, as we've found it's the best environment for a discussion we can all learn from. It's perfectly acceptable to disagree ---- we just do it politely.

In CA you're out of luck, if you didn't own hi-caps before the ban. In Fla or AZ, you'd order the appropriate mag, then add on the desired basepad, follower and spring combo, to hopefully get a completely reliable mag feeding the desired number of rounds.....

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Thank you all for your input. I was planning on starting w limited 10 anyway, I just wanted to know what the deal with competition mags and the C word meant for me and I think you all answered my question. thank you! next question.. If say I buy an STI from a private party, and I go to DROS it, if its not on the approved list am I screwed again? or because I'm buying a pistol that WAS legal the year it was purchased will still be on the approved list since it was previously?

excuse all the questions, I just want to know more. thanks again!

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Are the competitions as dry as these forums? I must say that as a moderator for another forum not at all related to shooting, is really fun and the people listen to the questions and answer the question to the topic. I have not offended anyone, nor have I put anyone but myself in danger. No freedom of speech? And everyone wonders why the competitor #'s are dropping annually. You guys just dont sound like you want to have any fun.. I cant beleive I already got a private message about my edicate here. Maybe this is the wrong forum for me. maybe even the wrong sport for that matter. I enjoy forums! I meet a lot of really great people and we enjoy our time when we visit the forums. Do you guys really enjoy reiterating your rules and regulations? I'm sorry, It must be me if so many are so busy telling me how it is on these boards than just answering my question. It must be me. I dont think IPSC or USPSA or SCCA needs my entry money. thanks for all that helped me out these last 48 hours. I don't know If I wanna play in your sandbox anymore. it's just too serious and intense for me. I'll come by and visit from time to time, but if this going to be the way it is every time I have a question relevent to comp shooting/reloading, I'll just google itt from now on.



though I'm only excercising my constitutional right to freedom of speech before that gets banned. :(

Welcome to the forums. For what it's worth the above argument "constitutional right to freedom of speech" does not apply on this board ----

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I don't think it's a question of people being dry or boring. I have a lot of fun at the shoots and have met a lot of great people.

One thing about some of the questions you ask is that this forum and most other shooting forums are occasionally looked at by CA DOJ. They last thing you want to do is be liable for someone possibly committing a felony.

With that said....you can go to another state and buy mags for use over there. When you are done, you need to find a place to store them as you CANNOT bring them back to the PRK.

If you have previously owned a Hi-Cap mag, you can legally buy a Hi-Cap body or Spring or follower to REPAIR your existing grandfathered mag. You cannot legally buy all the part and assemble a new mag. That's another felony.

You can still buy any gun that is not on the list as long as it's not considered an AW thru a private party transfer. People do move here from other states and they are allow to bring non-AW pistols and long guns with them. Once they self register the handgun with the DOJ, they can later decide to sell the gun thru a private party transfer thru a FFL.

So if you're looking for that STi that's not on the list....scan the for sale boards, especially the Kali formatted gun forums. Sooner or later, one may pop up.

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half inch groups, I am not sure what forums you do hang out at, but as far as shooting related ones go, try GlockTalk for a little while, THEN tell us what you think of it around here. No disrespect meant in return, but the members here seem to like this place fine just as it is, all 10,000+ of them ;-)

Seriously, don't be dissin' what you ain't understandin' yet. There is a darned good reason these forums are run the way they are and that is to keep them from getting like the other forum I mentioned (not to mention others).

Also remember that forums are not public property, they are privately owned and there is no reason any forum owner has to allow anything at all, let alone everything under the sun.


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half inch groups, I am not sure what forums you do hang out at, but as far as shooting related ones go, try GlockTalk for a little while, THEN tell us what you think of it around here. No disrespect meant in return, but the members here seem to like this place fine just as it is, all 10,000+ of them ;-)

Seriously, don't be dissin' what you ain't understandin' yet. There is a darned good reason these forums are run the way they are and that is to keep them from getting like the other forum I mentioned (not to mention others).

Also remember that forums are not public property, they are privately owned and there is no reason any forum owner has to allow anything at all, let alone everything under the sun.


I hope I can can get used to it. I appreciate what everyone is saying. I totally get the whole hi cap thing now. I will try to think a little bit more before impulsively posting. severe ADD makes it difficult as my short term memory makes ideas difficult to surface w/o just blurting it out. thanks again. 10,000 members is a lot. I moderate for 2000. 5x times the problems for you mods i guess... PS you'll never want to know what I moderate for! lets just say it's the only thing that is CA legal! lol!

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Are you kidding? I used to jump off stages onto people beating eachother up and calling it dancing! I am an adrenaline junky! I'm going to do a lot of reading.. espescially tha FAQ's before I start anymore flaming threads. thanks george. maybe we'll cross paths some day at one of these things.

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Heres and Idea: MOVE!!! that is my plan get all of the good people (gun owners) out of that state and turn it into a parking lot, or an Island. Either way we don't need the Liberals and Hippies, oh yeah and "other" people who live in Cali. Oh and the Governaotor was a good choice.. except for the fact that he let them Ban 50 BMG's but without that we would have never developed the 416. anyways enough off subject crap.

If you really want hi caps buy them. Then know your rights as a Citizen of the USA. if you know your rights they can't take them from you. IE 2nd Amenndment. I know a few people who have won that battle becuase they had a better understanding of their rights than the courts did.

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the hippies.. too funny. I figured you guys were talkin richmond VA! I was just in SF last week.. for 10 days! lol! Great weather you guys are having. I live in downtown L.A. I used to live in mendo but I'm not a hippy! LOL! I'm gonna get a lot of flack for this one, but I'm anything but republican, except for when it comes to our second amendment; I believe we all deserve ALL of our rights. I just think our country ran smoother before the last election. I liked it when the rest of world liked us. I just like what I like, and I'll be damned if I'm going to follow every law or rule. If I did, I would be late to work every day, I wouldnt own a business, because I could never get a loan.. You ever lie on a job/credit application? Well I have Big Brother! anyway, I hope there's a meet really soon up there because I'm off to FL in a couple weeks for a month or 2, and would love to learn a bit from you experts! (if you dont mind a yankee hangin w ya's! lol!

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