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Dents On My New Gun


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Just got hold of my new gun last week. Fired about 100rnds of FMJ bullets so far. Field strip it and noticed there were four distinctive "dents" on the railings of the receiver. A pair on the left side and a pair on the right side. Here are some pics to better illustrate it:



What do you guys think caused this? Already checked my magazines if their mouths are the culprit but it doesn't line up with the "dents". Am worried that if I don't pinpoint the cause, it might get worst. Thanks!

Edited by foxyyy
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Yeah .. your gun is too clean. If it looked like it should, you wouldn't see those dents. All kidding aside, I wouldn't sweat it, it is proabably just parts breaking in. Keep an eye one it to see if it gets worse, though.

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Goop them rails up with slide glide and don't you come back from the range until the inside of that heater is a black, gooey mess. Then don't bother to clean it like the rest of us...


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+1 EricW.

Don't bother cleaning it. The powder residue/lubricant goo helps with the breaking in process. Yeah, that's it. Of course, I've been breaking in my open gun for about 4 and a half years. :lol::P


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I would hazard to say that those marks were caused at the factory by a clamp used in the frame while the rails were being machined. I'd follow the advice of the others except maybe clean it ONCE in awhile.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If the gun is running and they don't get any worse...don't worry about it.

Check the bottom of the barrel and the link area for similar marks.


+1 EricW.

Don't bother cleaning it. The powder residue/lubricant goo helps with the breaking in process. Yeah, that's it. Of course, I've been breaking in my open gun for about 4 and a half years. :lol::P


Are you bored over there?

I keep trying to break in my Open gun ( I built it in '97 ) but every time I shoot it, I throw it down and run for the LTD gun. I've managed to get about 20,000 rounds through it in 9 years!!! My next LTD gun will have a serial number like: "#1 Mistress" since I spend more time with my LTD gun than my female friend....My bestest Ltd gun has 108,000 through it now and the other two are very jealous! You know how petty those guns can be?!


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A critical question is what could be causing the dents. Something has to be hitting the rail at that location and at an angle. In that location maybe the magazine or the top round are the only things there. But I seriously doubt they are the culprits since they probably could not hit the frame in a manner to cause those types of dents. After all, the magazine side is parallel to the frame rails. And the top round is too, and the brass/lead components are much softer metal than the steel frame. So I would tend to agree that they are the result of something that happened at the factory and not because of shooting the gun.

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I have some marks on my STI and never worried about them. Just keep an eye on them. If they seem to get worse then I would start asking a smith. If they stay the same you should be good to go.

I would recommend putting this in the gunsmith section. You'll get some of the gunsmiths to respond who maybe has seen this before and know whats going on.


Edited by Flyin40
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Thanks guys for all your explanations.

Used the gun at a match, the dents doesn't seem to be getting any larger. It had me really worried. Just hope it stays the same size after putting 10,000rds thru it in the near future.


thanks..if it doesn't stay "as is", I hope I had finished assembling an SVI na. =)

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