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IPSC withdrawal


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IPSC withdrawal for me is only having the time to shoot  1 match in Jan due to family obligations and my 1st match was plagued with new gun problems and my 2nd match was "blown away", literally.

IPSC was started in the USA and IMO is the premier, ultimate (insert your own superlatives here) practical shooting sport in the World, (didn't the USA shootists dominate the latest World shoot?).

Maybe you should withdraw from this board and go to

Tlock Galk for all your "I like to talk about shooting instead of really shooting" needs.

hi davecutts mom...

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IPSC withdrawal for me is only having the time to shoot  1 match in Jan due to family obligations and my 1st match was plagued with new gun problems and my 2nd match was "blown away", literally.

IPSC was started in the USA and IMO is the premier, ultimate (insert your own superlatives here) practical shooting sport in the World, (didn't the USA shootists dominate the latest World shoot?).

Maybe you should withdraw from this board and go to

Tlock Galk for all your "I like to talk about shooting instead of really shooting" needs.

hi davecutts mom...

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For those not here yet, we went through this about 13 years ago; USPSA sent out questionaires asking a number of things, the general issue being leaving IPSC.

The consensus around the country back then was no, we don't want to do that.

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I always saw this place as somewhere  for pistol shooters to come together, not create further division.

I would much rather be discussing why IPSC regions are not represented on the basis of their membership, and if the reasons are not acceptable, then how the situation can be changed.

Loosing the US would be a huge blow to the sport.


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I don't understand why everyone just doesn't enjoy the sport and have some fun with it.  Too many people take it waaaaaaay too seriously.  I could care less about what a club or region in another country does.  It just doesn't matter.  How is USPSA so under-represented at IPSC?  What is so bad about being part of a world-wide sport?  What possible benefit could we get from splitting with IPSC?  How many people could actually care?  Not many

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I'm really failing to understand.  What is it that IPSC is forcing us to do that we don't want to do?  

I guess it is kinda weird that there's a different rulebook for USPSA, which seems to have some arbitrary departures from IPSC rules.  But if we're going to alter the rules to suit our needs anyway, then we clearly have autonomy.  

I just don't see IPSC/USPSA as very prominent organizations in gun rights issues (your reference to UK, Australia, Canada).  I think you'd be hard pressed to argue that gun restrictions in foreign countries are the result of IPSC's failure to fully reprazent.

So I guess what I'm saying is:  I don't see the problem, and I don't see the potential problem.  You'll have to specify.

Semper Fi,


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I didn't lock this thread earlier.  Partly because I didn't want to "filter" too much.  Partly because it may be a valid question (though, perhaps in the minority).  Partly because Stewart is a Benefactor Member of USPSA.  And, I think, it was him that gave away a slot to the Infinity Open?

That being said...

Brian's Forum is all about sharing experiences in practical shooting competitions...sharing knowledge with one another, with the goal of improving.

I think we would all be a bit better off if we left the controversy and politics at the gate...especially in our first posts.  ;)

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Who said -

   "What is the worst thing about IPSC?....The fact that each country gets one vote - no matter how many or how few shooters are actually participating in that particular country. Ohhh. That's gonna leave a mark.  "

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Hey Guys and Girls:

What is the difference between Stewart talking about IPSC on this forum versus having the 3-gunners totally TRASH USPSA on the 3-gun forums within this same be.com site?   Is USPSA the only organization that can be attacked publicly without being moderated out of existance? (not that Stewart is attacking IPSC).


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Just of the things that will or have been foisted on the US shooters, " Classic "  targets,  the BOX , changes in power factor, attempted changes in scoring system, rules that we don't follow..yada yada

Someday IPSC will demand that we follow their rule book and depending on who is in control we will or won't but forming the USPSA is really just putting off the final conflict.

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Stewart and L9,

Let me inject a little logic here.  Nothing is going to be considered "fair."  Neither equal voting rights, no proportional representation.  This is why the US has TWO divisions of Congress, folks.  Not that it was a new idea to the founding fathers.  The debate over proportionate versus equal representation goes back at least to ancient Rome and probably farther.

It's not that non-proportional representation isn't a "problem."  The issue is your "my way or the highway" solution.  Present a solution that's a less drastic and a lot less divisive and maybe someone will want to hear what you have to say.  Jingoism and Isolationism certainly aren't the answers.

Nothing is perfect.  If you think of a situation where IPSC will be "perfect" for you, I can guarantee there will be folks from 10 other countries who will denounce it to be imperfect.  Maybe with better interpersonal skills it would all be a moot issue.

BTW - Brian merely pointed that out as an issue.  He never said that secession from IPSC was "the solution."

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I'm with Flex on not locking it.  Good discussions and ideas should be welcome here, whether or not you personally agree with the opinions.

I did bounce it out of match discussions though, and it IS about rules and the inability to make the same the across the world, which is pretty much hopeless IMHO!

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Perhaps a serious threat of withdrawal might be enough to effect the change that many want?  Your "sit back and take it" attitude (while pc) does not solve the existing problems either.  


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