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Plate rack times

Steve Moneypenny

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As a moderate steelshootist and a beginning IPSC (standard division) shooter i can say i am glad to shoot 6plates at 10 yards in 3.2 sec. (draw 1.25)

One of the latest competionmatches i managad 6 plates, including a mag change, in 4.45. Israelian IPSC champ Saul Kirsch did it in 2.28 (open class.

I'll keep practising

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Plate Rack Times - When I am "in the groove" I will shoot the plates in 4.2 - 5.2 seconds, with an occassional 3.7-3.8 run, and also occassional 6.0 second runs.  This is from low ready and with iron sights, I shoot 7-8 GSSF matches per year.  I have a buddy that can shoot them in 3.2 - 3.4 seconds per run.  Then with his red-dot U/L Glock he shoots them in the mid 2 sec. range.  I have seen him at 1.9, just going for it.

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Any one shooting 3 plates reload 3 at 10m

i find it a great way to practice sight acquisiton transition and reload.

The more i relax the faster i go

Best time3.85 . most of the time i run 4 to 4.2(HAS)

Thanx Brian , before i read your book i had the intention to do well but did not know how to put it all together.

Your book has opened up a whole new side of shooting for me and i can see and feel the diference.

So much more i can say, major thread drift.

Thanx again.

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Heck I've seen Bob Munden do the plate rack in the low 3's with a single action revolver.

Unless you are shooting against a name shooter, consistency will place you pretty high at local matches. Seems like the younger shooters don't practice the rack much, at 15 yds, a run of 5+/- from your IDPA rig will put you right there in this area.

Some of the shooters just cannot get it. I SO'ed a rack match about two years ago, and had an IDPA Expert shoot 30 shots with his Plastic Perfection and not get them all down., and from 10 yds.

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At the AR IDPA State Championship this year, we had a plate side match. No concealment, hands at side. I was shooting my old faithful SSP legal G35. My best run of the day was a 2.81. Won it too.

My last practice session I practiced on the plate rack. This time I was shooting the same rig, basically practicing for Production. My best that day was a 2.81.

Limited with SV best was a 2.81.

Open with a borrowed STI was a 2.69.

All these times were pretty consistant, with an occasional foray into the mid 3's. I like steel. :D

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Hmmm....you guys are fast. I am leaving for the Colorado State Steel Championship in a couple of hours so I went out and shot the rack a few times this morning. My draw to a plate rack (12 yards) sucks. I consitently clean the rack in 2.75 seconds with a 1.45 draw with my open blaster. I will from time to time hit a 1.25-1.3 draw and get the plates down in 2.45-2.6 seconds but not reliably and on demand. With my revolver I run around 3.15-3.25 for 6 plates with excellent consistency.

Those times are good enough for the small club matches that I attend. There will be no classes recognized at the Colorado match so I guess I'll see how this A class open shooter does side by side with M and GM open shooters. Should be interesting.

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At the STI-Handgunner this year, the side match was a standard plate rack at 10-12 yards from a surrender draw. $5 bought you 6 runs. Best single run in class won $$. The winning time in A-Open was 2.55 (my best run was 2.56 :angry:). I think the best M/GM time was in the 2.3 range.

Note these were go-for-broke times-- a whole lot of blown runs got thrown out.

Updating: Here are the 2002 S-AMHWSC side match-results.. I believe this was the same setup. Bonedaddy already posted a link to the 2001 results.

Open GM: Saul Kirsch (2.24)

Open M: Hunter Pilant (2.39)

Open A: Frank Robbins (2.21) (Frank admitted this was kind of a fluke, 2.55 was his best this year)

Open B:Larry Barg (2.78)

Open C:Sandy Distatte (3.40)

Stock GM: Mark Hanish (2.46)

Stock M:Daniel Horner (2.90)

Stock A:Matt Kartozian (2.90)

Stock B:Scott Forpahl (3.02)

Stock C: Craig Underdown (3.62)

Stock D: Terry Yano (3.78)

Open Revolver: Fred Cook (5.23) (methinks not many people shot Open Revo in 2002..)

Stock Revolver: Rich Davis (2.60)

Single Action Revolver: Gary Herst (3.04)

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Here is some random data.

The Bianchi plates that are shot at ten yards allow and six seconds. It is Virginia count with Bianchi...no misses. People seldom run out of time (they do miss though :) ).

A 1.5 second draw and splits of .5 will result in a 4.0 second run.

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Shred, I recognized a name on that list. Stock D, Terry Yano. I shot the Handgunner in 2000 and picked up a beautiful custom knife this guy put on the prize table. I got a chance to visit with him later and thank him personally for the knife. His craftmanship is exceptional! He is definately a GM bladesmith.

It's interesting how little difference there is in run times between the classes. When everyone can go for broke and not worry about misses, it sure gets interesting. :D

Ron, you're already gone to the Colorado match, but best of luck my friend.

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If I can consistently run 3.6 or so at ten yards with my limited gun, I'm happy. :) Something around a 1.4 draw and .45 splits is nice. I can attempt to go quicker, but I usually end up blasting a hoper somewhere along the line and it takes me about .65 to make up a miss. So, 3.6 is a pretty safe pace for me.

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In my previous post, the 2.77 second runs (open blaster) were my best efforts during one of the best practice sessions that I have ever had. To say that I can consistently (yeah and I said it) clean a rack in 2.77 seconds isn't really honest.

I went to the range this morning and did a dozen dry draws on the rack then loaded up. I took 5 runs shooting at what I consider the fastest pace I can shoot with 100 per cent certainty cold. The times were 3.06, 3.19, 3.03, 3.02 and 2.86. Then I cranked it up a notch and shot just as fast as I felt like I could go warmed up and in the groove without blowing it. The times were 2.85, 2.83, 2.97, 2.83 and 2.91. I made up a miss on the two slowest times.

While those times certainly are not world class, they are good enough to pretty much dominate the local scene and they won't be an embarrassment anywhere I go.

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I tend to forget the bad days and place too much emphasis on the really smoking performances. I suppose that's just normal. I have been telling folks I can draw, reload, and draw again in under two seconds (and I can) and I also tell people I can do a sub five second El Presidente (and I can). Well after I messed around on the rack this morning I set up the El Pres and ran it twice. The first run was 5.23 down 2 points (I'll take that any day) and the second run was with reckless abandon at 5.04 down 8 points. So much for the sub five second gig. As I stood there at about five yards looking at the targets I decided to draw, shoot, reload, and shoot again. I took 2.11 seconds. I thought hell I can beat that so I did it again. The time was 1.96 with the first round sailing plumb over the target (five yards) and half way up the berm, lol. Tell me again, what does "Maku mozo mean"?

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I was walking up to that plate rack at my first ever area match only to see you burn that thing to the ground!! I was ready to pack my stuff up and go home!! You shoot a plate rack faster than I can dump six into the berm.

The video won't come up, how fast was the best run?

I have since gotten on the rack a couple times to have some frame of reference. Low 3's are good for me, in either direction r-l or l-r makes almost no difference. Best runs hover around 2.9.

DVC From Bolivia


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Shot my best plate rack time ever today after a local IDPA match. I was practicing using my Limited rig. Did a warmup run, did a slightly faster run, then went full tilt. Then went even faster, but started hitting nothing, so I found my limit. I don't remember any of the runs except the first, and then my fastest. First was 3.06. Nothing steller, just solid. My best was 2.66, a new best for me. The main difference was the draw. The first run draw was a 1.56, then fastest run draw was a 1.36. Now I realize that my draws are slow. Something else to practice...

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