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Macchiato, "starbucks Style"


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Skywalker mentioning iced-coffee reminded me of something. I have never cared for Iced coffee, but if you really want to taste coffee, drink it black and wait until it has cooled to just above room temperature. IMO, one cannot taste coffee if they are trying to keep from burning their mouth because it is so hot.

In order to savor the flavor you must keep it in your mouth long enough for it to check in with your taste buds.. :)



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Only one phrase sums up my best coffee in Italy: Venice Train Station. Yum. :wub: :wub: :wub:

As far as bottled water, I have now lived in several places where bottled water is the norm. It will cost you about .25 for a gallon of culligan or whatever the local water is. When it rains at home, the fish in the lake die from all the salts and such in the water. The city serves this water as safe. Most places use reverse osmosis to get clean drinking water. In Korea, the water is barely drinkable. I have filter to keep most of the bad stuff out. Was thinking of a sinktop RO system, but can't fit it under my faucet. Is paying up to a dollar a liter for drinking water worth it? Sometimes, yes.



I strongly advice you to take a holiday here in Italy, then I'll be able to teach you about the uncountable variations of coffee (and I mean real one) we can serve. ;)

Just a hint:

  • Espresso (normal)
  • Espresso doppio (double espresso)
  • Espresso lungo (long espresso)
  • Espresso corto (short espresso)
  • Espresso macchiato (well, you already know this ... )
  • Latte macchiato (basically an espresso macchiato served in a tall glass with lotsa more milk)
  • Marocchino (similar to espresso macchiato, served in a short glass, topped with cocoa powder)
  • Espresso shakerato (shaken espresso with ice rocks, great in summer time)
  • Espresso alla Vaniglia (same as above with an added taste of vanilla)

Well, I guess I should stop here, not wanting to give away all the secrets of a good italian coffee ... ;)

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Yes, the true test of GOOD coffee is to drink it cold. If it tastes rich and wonderful COLD, then it's the good stuff. We used to do iced coffee all the time (the good stuff, that is). It's immensely refreshing but still kicks your brain without drawing a sweat too seriously. :D

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What's wrong with just a cup of plain black coffee...without all the crap and jive in it?

Well, absolutely nothing! I prefer it black, strong and hot. The 2 big coffee retailers here are Starbucks and Peets. I prefer Peets but they both still make a damn fine cup of black drip coffee as well as Espresso. They both sell "decaf, no whip, nonfat, caramel, machaito Lattes" because that is what sells today. Don't blame the retailers, blame the american public for poor taste.

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What's wrong with just a cup of plain black coffee...without all the crap and jive in it?

IMO, it's missing sugar and half & half........

......but when I become the galactic coffee emperor, all of my loyal minions will be able to drink their coffee any way they choose ----- and all Baristas will be properly trained to deliver "just a cup of coffee without 1001 questions or guesses" when that's what the cutomer orders.......

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Sheesh you guys... spend 2 years in the outback wild of Tennessee where folgers is the best coffee you can get and you'll fall down to your knees and weep at the sight of a Starbucks! Trust me on this - I've been there!

hey hey hey! you better watch out missy! just because you lived out in the sticks, and probably still do :o:ph34r: , doesn't mean you can't find good coffee in tennessee. we have so many "charbucks" in memphis now, they're giving walgreens drug stores a fight for the corner spot.

btw, i went to costco and bought a nice little coffee produced in costa rica, very good.


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There's a really good local coffee place by the UT campus (JP's) that we will get coffee at sometimes. We buy their beans from time to time and think they are the best in town.

We try to roast our own as much as possible though. We order raw beans from Sweet Marias and roast 'em ourselves. My wife's roaster sits on my reloading bench in the garage next to the 550B! Yep, we "roll our own" ammo and expresso! :lol: Freshly roasted beans are the best, but when we don't have time to do it we hit the local coffee places that do their own roasting.

Starbucks will do as a last resort or sometimes out of sheer convenience and I usually just ask for their darkest roast coffee, black.

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I hate that I've not yet found a cup of coffee that I enjoy the flavor of as much as a Starbuck's Americano (that's espresso and hot water... so named for those of us from our fine country who visit Luca's country and can't handle coffee in little teeny tiny cups that knocks your eyeballs out).

I swear to God I've tried. I don't like their brewed coffees. I don't drink coffee with any crap in it (milk, sugar, cream, whatever). I've been all around town looking, and simply haven't found it, yet... :( I'm cursed, I suppose...

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Yep, the Americano is about the only Starbuck's offering that's worth stopping in for, it's at least fresh. I tried their regular brewed stuff for a while, but resorted to always asking for whatever is the *freshest* so as not to have burnt swill.

I love espresso in the little cups & saucers, but they just don't fit in my cupholder or travel well.

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Ah, but you haven't LIVED until you've had "your eyeballs knocked out" by good coffee!! And if you can't find the LIQUID kind that'll do that to ya, just chew about two or three coffee beans directly. Will not only knock out the eyes but remove the uppermost portion of your head. Sorta. At least that's what it feels like. :lol::lol:

Warning: If you really want to really croak, chew more than three. NOT recommended, though. Seriously. :ph34r::o

(And you thought Khat was bad!!!!)

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All this talk got me thirsty and I stopped by Starbucks after UPS this morning. "Venti lowfat iced mocha" got turned into "Venti nonfat iced mocha" but I corrected them and they translated it into Starbucksspeak, "Venti percent iced mocha."

I really haven't been drinking any coffee for the last year and half and it showed. It didn't kick in until the poker tournament a couple hours later, where I was full-on tweeking. (I came back from next-to-last and won enough to pay for the drink.)

The best coffee I ever had was in the Denny's attached to the Best Western Irazu in San Jose, Costa Rica. Best pineapple, too.

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Enjoyed a cup of coffee with my parents this morning. Foldgers instant. I guess they were all out of Kona non-fat double whip peaberrys or something but I didn't think to ask. If anyone's interested I'll see if I can find out the name of the barrista mom uses.

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And heck, the Starbucks name isn't even very clever...

Not unless you've read Moby Dick...

Hate starbucks and hate coffee. So the problem sort of takes care of itself.

However, I'm not getting how Starbuck's + Moby Dick is actually clever.

Read here, and it seems to confirm I'n not failing to recall anything form moby dick.


I'm not seeing the clever.

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Enjoyed a cup of coffee with my parents this morning. Foldgers instant. I guess they were all out of Kona non-fat double whip peaberrys or something but I didn't think to ask. If anyone's interested I'll see if I can find out the name of the barrista mom uses.

you're scaring me john.

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Warning: If you really want to really croak, chew more than three. NOT recommended, though. Seriously.

(And you thought Khat was bad!!!!)

A couple decades ago when Starbucks was a startup I was in the grocery store and they had these bags of chocolate coated coffee beans. I bought a big bag thinking they would be interesting munchies for the poker game that evening.

That evening I am sitting around drinking beer and playing poker with several college chums and we are all munching on the choco-beans not really paying attention to quantity or what the effect of said beans might be once they "hit".

"Wired" does not even come close to describing it.

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My favorite coffee variant when I can find a real coffee joint is to request 3-4 espressos in one large cup. I then add some 1/2 & 1/2 until the color gets to certain point and BAM!

I call the concoction JP4. One will get you where you are going ;-)

Here are some numbers for you all to chew on.

(much depends on the bean selection)

8 ounce cup of made at home Drip coffee 115 to 175 milligrams

Brewed 80-135 mg in the same 8oz.

2 ounce shot of espresso 100 mg

Instant 65-100 mg in 8 ozs.

Six chocolate covered coffee beans 120mg of caffeine.

George's method gives you the best bang for the least amount of liquid

Great for a road trip. (fewer stops)

The "average" American consumes 250 to 300mg per day.

As a shift worker I/we easily triple the average.

Well, time to start another pot, I gotta wash down these beans!!!


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If you have a good espresso machine, Vivace "Espresso Vita" are the best beans I've found, so far. Lavazza "Top Class" and "Grand Espresso" are right there as well. Being a stickler for details, ;) I've learned to pull a pretty good shot.


Thanks for the starbucks hate support. ;)

Now if I could just figure out how to make a Frappaccino at home, for those smoking hot AZ summer afternoons.


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Since they would not allow us caffiene in Basic Training, I was going through some serious withdrawls. During our FTX they gave us MRE's and we were supposed to throw our packets of Folder's Choice instant coffee in the trash. Instead I put it in my pocket and at about 0230 hours when I was about ready to fall asleep in my foxhole, I opened the packet and poured it in my mouth and started chewing. Talk about some bad coffee!

About the only thing that I can stand from Starbucks is a double espresso. My wife on the other hand loves the foo-foo drinks that don't even taste like coffee.

I keep my own coffee maker in my desk at work, because the communal coffee maker is disgusting.


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You guys...just slay me...got to have your uber fresh triple roasted, imported, fresh ground, super uber thick and double extra strong with froth, hot milk and all that jazz..You are spoiled...just open some Folgers and make a pot...after the first cup, ain't that much difference and it did not cost you six bucks, either... :lol:

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You guys...just slay me...got to have your uber fresh triple roasted, imported, fresh ground, super uber thick and double extra strong with froth, hot milk and all that jazz..You are spoiled...just open some Folgers and make a pot...after the first cup, ain't that much difference and it did not cost you six bucks, either... :lol:

Tightloop about nailed it. Folgers Classic Roast. Maybe Maxwell House, depending whats on sale, thats it for the Triangle Shooting Sports coffee bar.------Larry

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I think Larry and Tight have got it about right! If you want your coffee to tast different just add more grounds :D At 4:30 in the morning after 30 days straight it all tastes about the same, but even I have my limits, 7-11, Conoco, Valero, Texaco, etc all should be avoided at 3:00 A.M. that just ain't coffee, nor is it a good source of caffeine, I think I would rather eat a packet of taster's choice!!

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Lavazza "Top Class" and "Grand Espresso" are right there as well.

Pretty good coffee, but if you happen to find Illy caffè in your neighbourhood, you'll see the difference.

Definitely the best italian coffee you can buy.

It's best if you own an espresso machine and buy the espresso (red) cans. ;)

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Lavazza "Top Class" and "Grand Espresso" are right there as well.

Pretty good coffee, but if you happen to find Illy caffè in your neighbourhood, you'll see the difference.

Definitely the best italian coffee you can buy.

It's best if you own an espresso machine and buy the espresso (red) cans. ;)

MMMMmmmmm Illy! My brother got me hooked on that ----- he only buys it for himself when he has company......

Fortunately it's available at the grocery store around the corner from Carol's work.....

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