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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Pardon the size of the videos but they are at a very high frame rate so you can really slow them down if you have a decent video player.

First video:

Box to box at a steel match. Movement and reload started at the same time, but I look the mag into the gun.

Moving Reload #1, 17MB

Second video:

Due to the backwards movement after the shot, I turn my body and start to run before starting the reload. Don't want to rush it as I have a long ways to go before the next position. I also felt like I could be more consistent if I wasn't trying to nail a reload and twist my torso 180 deg. at the same time.

Moving Reload #2, 15 MB

Comments welcomed. :)


Man, with that second one, just doesn't look like there was an easy way to hammer the reload right off the bat. Both of those look good to me :) But, then, I don't reload like Mr. Portal...uh... Jake ;)


Nice reloads. I didn't realize how smooth you are with your reloads(really wasn't watching that closely). You make it look effortless. Looks good to me.

The second one is a tough reload. I think waiting was a good idea. Looks good



I need more bandwidth. :( I finally got the first one downloaded. The reload looks really good to me. But if you would go buy a Glock with mags that don't drop as freely as they should, it will help you develop a little flick of the wrist. OK, I am going to work on breaking my wrist flicking habit just because of you and Jake. ;)

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