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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Well thanks to the last classifier i shot, I am now a 'B' Class Open shooter. Ive only been trying to get out of C for the last 5 years. When i shot that classifier I hadn't shot at all for almost 6 months (Iraq deployment and all).

Now that im in B class ill prob have to start practicing :(

OPEN Class: B Pct: 60.53 High Pct: 60.53

Talk about just getting in.

Cool man! Welcome back state side too.


Im not home yet, I was just on my mid tour R&R. I still have 6-7 more months left in 'the box'


A class comes faster than you think .......... last year I went from C class Open in March ------ to A class Open by July

You can do it !

Well thanks to the last classifier i shot, I am now a 'B' Class Open shooter.
me too...

OPEN Class: B Pct: 34.36 High Pct: 34.36


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