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This is a question without an answer, but why don't match organizers look around their area when scheduling matches? Next weekend, there are four matches worth driving to from Mobile, AL. The AL state match, the FL state match, a three-gun match in TN and an ICORE match in LA.

I probably would have shot in three of them if scheduled on different weekends. Don't the MD's recognize that they reduce the amount of participation when they schedule on top of each other?

The same story with A4 and theGA state match in June. Same weekend.

I'm through bitchin' now. :angry:<_<:(:):D




First of all, ICORE doesn't have much of an effect on USPSA matches so no one even considers it except for the IRC. ;)

As for the other 3....

3-gun has it's own "crowd" I see folks at them I won't see at a Pistol match so the MDs don't usually look at the other schedules...Too bad as Dickson TN and Huntsville AL are only a little over 2 hours apart. :(

And it seems that FL state scheduled thier match and posted it before the AL AND Frostproof and Huntsville are only 11 or 12 hrs apart.

In MY opinion(see my signature) USPSA needs to set the Nationals Dates so all the area matches then can be set (1 year prior) then the sections can work off that with good info.


Southern and Western Area matches should be schedules earlier and later in the shooting "Season" while northern and Mid western Areas get the middle.....YOU Area directors can talk to another and come up with a plan.

Then make it traditional dates not jumping from month to month....who can plan time off ect when they don't know when?.

Just my opinion, maybe it will make sense, maybe not but I like to look at all the angles myself.

Scheduling is pretty tough.....but if I recall.... .The Alabama match is Always the last weekend in march.....See what I mean. ;)


Posted (edited)

I agree. Scheduling is probably one of the hardest parts and it probably would help to have Nationals scheduled in advance.

As a friend of mine says, " I'm not complaining, I'm just b$tching. B$tching is for fun, complaining is serious."

And about the ICORE. You would think with them trying to grow that venue they would schedule it for maximum participation. One or two weekends either way for any of the other matches and partipicipation may have been better. Same for the USPSA matches.



Edited by dajarrel
One or two weekends either way for any of the other matches and partipicipation may have been better. Same for the USPSA matches.



There are only so many weekends in the year. Trust me, the guys putting on the match ahte it jsut as much as you do, but at some point you just gotta put on the match. On the bright side, the fact that it's more of a problem means there are more matches getting put on.


And then there is the DoubleTap in Texas. May not seem like a big deal, being so far apart, but the majority of the big dogs are going to the Double Tap and the Florida State match is much smaller, as a result.

Lots of sponsors planned to attend the Florida State match but backed out when they learned of the DoubleTap.


I understand your frustration, but just try to schedule a match without stepping on *something* *somewhere*. You can't. Contrary to what the usual curmudgeons pontificate, shooting is on the grow. Between USPSA, 3-gun, long-range tactical, highpower, ICORE, etc. schedule conflicts are going to be a way of life.

Personally, I think it's a good thing. Last year, our regional 3-gun championships conflicted with a major pistol match in Marysville. The shooting consumer *won*. He or she had a choice in major events to attend that weekend. If it happens in the future, I'll probably pass on the 3-gun and shoot over on the coast. Compared to the demands of 3-gun, shooting a pistol match feels like going on vacation. :lol:

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