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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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I shot my single stack at a local match yesterday for the first time in 12 years. I started out with my Springfiled 45 in open many years ago and quickly moved on to the hi-caps. I liked the hi-caps in open and limited so much that the trusty single stack went into the safe. About 6 months ago in prep for the single stack division I had a fiber optic front sight installed and once again put the gun back into the safe. After I finished the local match yesterday and wondering why I had just shot the worst match of my life I realized that I had never sighted in the gun with the new fiber optic front sight. Just to let you know how bad a day it was I took 40 shots at a texas star and only knocked three plates off before I ran out of mags.

Lesson learned ALWAYS re-establish zero after gun mods !!!!

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