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I am going to be getting a Sig 226 in the near future and am wondering if I may have any trouble finding a holster. It would need to be a production legal holster and the only complication I can see is the new 226's have the integrated rail where the old ones didn't. I am still not sure it I like the rail. Should I be looking for an older model without the rail? Please give me your opinion.



Blade-tech makes holsters for the SIG guns with rails..

also might check with Kytac, Comptac and Cendex..

all of the above make great stuff for the USPSA and IDPA games as well as for carry..


I picked up a really holster for my Sig P220 from Langdon Tactical a couple of years ago. I know Langdon is no longer running LTT but you want want to check with him to see if he might have a few old stock sitting around. :)


All of the major kydex holster makers should have a holster made for the rail and non-rail versions. Just plan ahead as some of the makers have a wait or you might be able to find them on some of the online shops.


Thanks for the help. I was just worried I would end up with a gun I couldn't find a good holster for.


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