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Putting together a limited gun and wanted some info on places for one stop shopping. Hoping to perhaps get a discount on a large parts purchase. Brownelles and some others do not carry all the specific parts I need. Some of the parts will require an FFL. Right now I have about 5 different vendors.


Depending on your parts selection, I'd be surprised if you couldn't get everything from Brownells, www.shootersconnection.com, and www.speedshooter.com.

But 1 vendor is pretty optimistic unless the gun will be all STI parts.


Dawson Precision would be another choice. I did most of my shopping there when I built my Limited gun.



And you can probably forget about discounts for large parts purchases until you are talking 10 lots or larger. A kilobuck purchase just isn't a big deal to them.

If you have an FFL or a business license you can apply for the Dealer discount with Brownells. That will have save you a bit.

The fewest vendors I got down to was 3. Shooters Connection, Midway and Brownells.

I got to the same amount. Shooters Connection, my local FFL (frame), and Brownell's.

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