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Caught the latest episode of Guns & Ammo TV. The first segment was about a new shooter named Michelle Simpson. She is a daughter of a crew member at G & A TV. Well, she really dove in head first into shooting by attending a week long class at Thunder Ranch.

There is just something hot about a young lady such as Michelle learning how to properly handle a firearm.


Anybody else out there catch this episode?

Can I get a "second" for nominating her to a Blue Press cover?

Her training at Thunder Ranch should give her more "street cred" than some of the other models featured in the Blue Press.

Thanks to TiVo. Best thing since sliced bread, I tell ya!



Didn't catch the show, but I'm really, REALLY, liking the cover of the new Dillon catalogue. :wub:


I saw it (good follow-on to 'Shooting Gallery'). I second the nomination.

And, no, it's not only because she's hot (she cain't help being a babe, so please don't hold it against her :D )!


I tried doing a search for Michele Simpson over at G & A TV's website, but nothing came up.

If I have that episode still saved on the TiVo, I'll see what I can do about capturing a still pic of her.

Then I'll post it here.

Posted (edited)

Okay, Catfish, et al, you asked for pics, so here you go.

Can I get a 3rd, a 4th , and 5th on my nominating her to a Blue Press cover?



Edited by Chills1994

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