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I've read all the topics regarding Pelican cases and other brands, but I haven't seen any models mentioned. I mean, most of the threads speak of 3 gun cases, describing the 1770 for AR-15. ANother thread was about 4 open pistols, 1550.

What about 2 open pistols? I'm asking because I intend on attending a match in another country, and I don't know the Pelican producs or any others. I'd be carrying an open pistol and a limited one. What should I choose? 1520? 1550?

Of course I'm open for suggestions. What about Hardigg?

I'd love to get my hands on a mil-spec case like the SKB Mil-Std.

I don't want to spend more than 200$ on a case.

As for the locks. I don't think TSA regs are required, since I don't reside in the US. I do however, wish to lock the case tight with several strong mechanisms(locks).

ANy opinions would be welcomed.


If you want a Pelican, I'd look hard at the regular-foam versions of the 1470 and 1490 laptop cases-- they're considerably thinner than the others, which makes packing easier, especially if you only put guns in there and not other accessories.

Another company worth looking at is Americase -- the 502 and AT1813L are nicely sized cases that will easily fit 2 open guns.


Thanks for the links.


I think I'll take the gun 1550 with STI/SV foam inserts. I've sent them an email about the foam inserts, and will share when I receive an answer.

Speaking of Ammo....I don't know whether to buy ammo at my destination or carry some with me. I guess I need another case for ammunition, come to think of it!

Posted (edited)

I haven't purchased one of these for pistols yet, but I have one for a rifle and it is the BOMB! It's indestructible, makes me feel very comfortable that the hardware is secure B) Starlight's cases are pretty expensive - the rifle case (with shipping) was a few bucks shy of $200.

Edited by Bill Schwab

I believe my SKB is a re-badged Starlight 061016, and fits two Open guns manageably, just a little closer together than I'd like, but I'm telling ya, thin is where it's at for pistol cases that will be inside other luggage, unless you want to layer other junk in the case too.


I use the Pelican 1490, and it holds 2 open guns no problem, packs easily in other bags, good built in locks, place for external locks. Highly recommend.


I have a pelican case and I love it. I got an SKB case for our show guns and so far it is working out fine. I travel with 12 handguns and it has been through a whole lot of airports!


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