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Today I switched from a short straight insert in my SVI to a curved insert of about the same lenght. (worked out to be the medium curved insert) I felt that using the curved insert positioned my trigger finger better and allowed me more "feel". It seemed that I was not slapping the trigger, but rather remaining in contact with it thoughout. However, there was one downside; I noticed that my groups tended to move to the left, enough so I noticed. That has me wondering; did the curved insert cause me to "push" the gun to the right? Would a shorter or longer insert cure the problem? What are the benefits of each type of insert, curved and straight? What seems to work better fo rmost?


I have a short curved trigger in my SVI limited gun. I also ordered up the BE curved down trigger as well as the short flat trigger insert.

I don't like anything except the short curved trigger.

I may be in the minority on this point, but I just don't like the feel of the flat insert.

It feels to me as though there isn't enough finger on the trigger and that I loose contact with the trigger when I shoot quickly. The short curved trigger feels like I have more contact with the insert and I feel more in control with the short curved. This may be due to the fact that every other gun I have is of short curved design.

I'm pretty sure the group moved as a result of your trigger finger contacting the insert on a different location. I'm sure that could be corrected over time, but that would be up to you. Too little trigger finger generally means you'll push the trigger and too much generally means you'll pull the trigger. You may want to switch out he medium curved trigger and try a short curved trigger, it will make a difference on where your finger makes contact with the insert.

Good luck.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, the difference between short and straight insert is that the short works better if you have a short index finger because the short insert give to the shooter more space before to touch the trigger (you can visualize it just overlap both the inserts).

About the problem to pull to left or right the gun during the fire its depends from how the shooter move back the index finger. To avoid to pull to left the gun you can try to contrast this movement with your weak hand thumb. A little difficult is to avoid to pull to right the gun.... if its your case you'll need to work attentively on how you move back you index finger because its necessary that it move back straight.......

Is there someone that dont need more of the straight insert.....? please Im available to solve the problem to have a spare part plus ... :lol:


I have small hands, I need a short trigger period.

I have not had a problem with switching between a short flat and a short curved.

You are pushing the gun to the left because of the extra extension of your trigger finger, you aren't pulling straight back. IF your hands are big enough all you are going to have to do is adjust your finger joint positions and start pulling straight back again, if your fingers are too short you will have to go back to a short trigger.

Grip the gun as you would to shoot it, pull your left hand off and look at the angle of the trigger finger, can you get it to pull straight back?


I switched to long straight triggers because of long fingers. I few times last yr a had really bad trigger freeze. I quickly assumed it was related to tension and really "trying". It turned out that is was part tension and part short trigger. I had to make my finger get back on the trigger.

If I hold my hand out and act like I'm shooting, movement is in the 1st and 2nd knuckle from the tip of the finger. With the short trigger all 3 knuckles moved because I had to pull my finger back to the trigger.

I'm not sure if I'm explaining it right. After I switched I had some .10 splits on some drills in my first practice session. I have never had those splits. It feels like there is less tension with the long trigger.


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