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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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As I understand it, KG, the coating company, initially partnered with NCG on their gas retarded 1911 mutation. Then had a falling out with NCG and went their own way with a revised design. Note that the flyer you show is dated 2004 and nothing has been heard of since, not even the usual fawning magazine articles.


It's been vaguely mentioned here a time of two. You can dig up some old threads on it on the 1911forum.

The guns didn't work. So, the two companies parted ways (I have no knowledge of those facts, just my take from the reading I've done on the www)

I think the idea has some merit, but it need to work. (My guess is the slide speed is outrunning the mag springs.)

Caspian will/does/has offers the slides with the firing pin hole repositined for the way the barrel is fixed in place.

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