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Has anyone seen one of these?


The price is less than the M6X and the battery life is way longer even though not quite as bright as the X series.

A little off topic but has anyone seen any filters that I can put on these lights? I want a red lense. Some local coyotes and I have to meet up one of these nights. I currently have a Insight M3X and like the light, just want a red filter for that unit.

The Lasermax internal units I have heard break and can cause a pistol malfunction. The Crimson trace for the Glock changes the grip angle and am not interested in that since I shoot my Glock so much I don't want the grip angle changed. I thought a light with a laser might be a nice alternative for a Glock.

Thanks for the input in advance.



From Streamlight's on-line price guide, dated March 1:

Non-Rechargeables Accessories

Scorpion Holster:

Nylon $10.50

Nylon (Deluxe) 37.00

Filters (Scorpion, Scorpion LED, TL-2, NF-2, NF-2 LED)

Flip-up Red 13.00

Flip-up Blue 13.00

Flip-up Green 13.00

The flip-up red filter for the TL-2 might be what you're looking for. Try calling Streamlight to confirm: 1-800-523-7488


I saw the Streamlight units at the SHOT Show. They looked pretty interesting. They don't mount with the standard method of sliding onto the rails from the front. The screw shown in the picture loosens the rail and you slip it on from the side. This way you don't have to put your hand in front of the end of the gun to get it on.

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