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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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pretty fast!

It looks like you're grabbing your new mag pretty high on the mag. tip of the index finger should wind up resting on the nose of the first round in the new mag. From what I can see in the video, your index finger looks low and the mag looks high in your hand. Hard to see though in the light, so I could be off.


Reload looks pretty smooth..what gun are you shooting??

gun is nice and high..looking the mag in...

I can't pick it apart...if I could do that consistently..I would be happy


That's my consistant reload not a one in a million hit. the front view i turned on the camera took 2 steps and did it. then the next 2 one i tried to look at the camera instead of the mag well.... oops.

I am shooting a Beretta PX4 Storm in 9mm. I switched to that when they discontinued the Elite 2 at the rate i shoot i will defnitley need another elite 2 or "2" before world shoot.

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