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The Raccoon Hunters (MI15) will host a special classifier match on Sunday April 2nd in Romulus, Michigan. We will have 4 USPSA classifiers, as well as 4 ICS classifiers.

For those that do not wish to report the ICS classifers to IPSC, it will be an 8 stage match. For those that wish to submit the ICS classifiers, an IPSC alias will have to be provided.

Match fee for the 8 stages will be $30.00US.

We will limit the match to two divisions only. If you wish to shoot the match in two divisions, two match fees will have to be payed.

If you wish to shoot just a few classifiers (4 or less) in the second division, each classifier will be $5.00

The Canadian Nationals are in close driving distance to SE Michigan this year, and for this reason, we chose to run the ICS classifiers. A big thanks to our shooting brothers from Canada to help setup, organize and run the ICS classifiers for us!!!

Some details:

8:30am-9:30am Registration

9:45 am Shooters meeting

10:00am Let the games begin!

Match fee: $30.00 per division (limit two)

Additional Classifiers: $5.00 per classifier, (limit 4)

!!!!!All IPSC rules on equipment will apply for those submitting ICS classifiers!!!!!!!

Please plan on bringing your own lunch and drinks! We will have bottled water available for a small fee.

The www.raccoonhunters.com website will be updated soon with this information

Contact me with any questions.


There is also a special classifier in Jackson, MS this Sunday 3/5/06. 4 stages Match fee $15

  • 4 weeks later...

Just a reminder, the match is this Sunday!!!!

Don't forget about the time change also!!!

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