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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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I likt it when the following scenario plays out:

A co worker approaches, looks carefully to make sure that no one will overhear the conversation, and starts out with "I have a non-work question you may be able to help me with."

Whenever that happens, I just *know* the next question is going to be "how do I get a gun license in this state?"


Yup...ya gotta love it! My latest convert will be joining us to shoot his first ever competitive match (Steel) tomorrow.


It is nice that you must portray a positive enough image that they come to you to seek council. Must be one of the good guys. It's also nice that we aren't all gun wackos in the publics eye.



It would be even nicer if they weren't ashamed of it and felt like they have to hide...

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