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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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I'd like something IDPA legal, and don't want to shoot SS with an inner outer belt so my gear will be legal at SSC, IDPA and SS matches.

I'm using a sexy sharkskin 1.5" gunbelt I've had forever and a Wilson "customfit" holster.

What do I want for mag pouches? I had two of the Wilson Sharkskin doubles, but they were S-----l-----o-----w. :(


BTW: MODS - We need a single stack Div Forum. Prod has one, Glock even has one.


How about the Safariland 079? 1 for idpa 2 (or more for SS)

Brian's store...

I used 1 for IDPA CDP. I also used one behind 4 771's for oh-crap/barney mags for L-10 and will use 2 with a 081 or 2 for SS.




Thanks dude, BAM DONE.

Hell, I even bought one that will fit the SV mags in case I get a high cap ESP IDPA itch what needs scratching.

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