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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Well I just noticed something. I have been relaoding for years. I always had some sliptop case boxes, MTM cases, or styro to put my rounds into keep them organized. Lately I guess I have been reaching the point where I reload to much dang ammo to care about the boxes anymore. I have one 100 round that I drop the in to count and inspect but then they get dumped into a LARGE akrobin that holds ~2500 .45 or ~3500 .38sc.

What I Like..

Not having to care about boxing ammo since I'm now able to shoot as much as I have always wanted to. (well almost)

Go to the Big Lots store and buy tupperware knockoffs of the shoebox sized boxes. Great to store cleaned brass, and hold 1,000 handgun rounds easy.

Even better than Big Lots are the dollar stores! I have about 20 of the cheapest plastic shoebox sizes that won't fall apart no matter what I put in 'em! (I even have my cleats in one with a dessicant - is it spring yet?!?!?)

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