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Guys i've searched and wan't able to find what i was looing for...my questions is, i want to buy a recoil master for my Standard Gun (IPSC) and was wondering if it uses the same recoil spring as other regular guide rods? appreciate all comments and suggestions

thanks guys!!


There are Heavy and Light recoil master springs available from Chuck at Shooters Connection. As far as I know standard recoil springs will not work. I guess you could always undertake an experiment :D

Good luck, Craig


I assume that we are talking about the heavy recoilmaster (red type), I used the recoilmaster for 2 years. Well the major spring has the coins more large than the usual recoil spring. I changed the major spring with a wolff 10 lbs. reduced power and to fit it on the recoil I used the dremmel on the recoilmaster to polish it from the blue so the spring fit better. You can try this way to make fit the regular recoil spring on it.


If you're going to try to put different spring in the RM, why not just go with a Sprinco, which lets you use your own recoil spring?


any malfunctions as of yet?

No. You must have attention only that the spring dont rub on the recoilmaster body. :)

If you're going to try to put different spring in the RM, why not just go with a Sprinco, which lets you use your own recoil spring?

The recoilmaster and the sprinco works in different mode. The sprinco reduce the slide run back draw only on the last part of the guide road course. So you feel the hit also if its really much reduced.

The recoilmaster works for all the guide rod length and helps in the sight realign.

They are different way to get the same result.... It up every shooter to choose the preferred way..... :wacko:

How about rm with 12lbs? Do you need modification like cutting the recoil spring?

Not necesary. Infact you can simply change the major recoil spring. I prefer this way instead to cut the original major spring. So you can go back as you like... but if you cut the original spring you cant stick no more on it the cutted coins.... :D


can u post a pic of ur RM?


Sorry for the delay in reply..... I was out for some days.... :(

I will place one this morning my time........

sorry again :)

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