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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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If it runs as good as it looks you are in good shape, nice gun!!

The barrel, what is it? I don't think I have ever seen a barrel/bushing/whatever like that.........


Years ago, collet bushings fell out of favor because if they broke, they sometimes did absolutely evil things.

Why bring back the idea?


Put up some better pics.

Its running great.

Yes its a Jarvis, they claim great performance from it, as well as a hardened bushing to prevent the old finger breakage problems. Time will tell.


Opened up the rear sight notch

dawson front sight

dawson ice magwell

dawson mag extensions

Doug Koenig hammer

STI sear

17lb mainspring

Ed Brown extended oversize mag release

Jarvis drop in bull barrel

And put into a CR speed rig.

Thats it., I think.


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