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Florida Open


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I'm not going to be able to make it this year :( but I'm sure interested in hearing the scoop on how the 2006 major match season kicks off for the USPSA wheelgunners!

I don't believe D.Carden and Hopalong are shooting it this year, either.

Has anyone heard from Ricky? Or any of the guys from Europe (or elsewhere in the world)?

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smiling, but purely out of fear, because I don't get it....or know how to run a round gun. :)

Aiiight then, in the spirit of inclusiveness and comeraderie, and out of appreciation for your smiley, I'll re-post my question on your match thread and ask that responding wheelgunners post there too. :)

.......man, I sure wish I were flying to FL this weekend......

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Ricky will be there, I don't think anyone else fron outside the US is coming. Not going to be the same shooting without the peanut gallery.

I guess Keith and Bob will have to fill in for Sam, Mike, and Dan: I just don't think they are pretty enough to pull it off :wacko:

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Jeeez, Carmoney you don't need to apologize for anything. You asked if any "Revo Shooters" were doing the Florida thing. That's totally appropriate to do so here, and not clog up the Match Forum.

Besides the Revo Forum kind of has a "Life" of it's own. Can't quite figure it out yet, but it keeps whispering to me from the computer. But then all the voices have been getting louder this winter. I swear I just heard a suggestion to buy some 200 raniers for light loads? Maybe I just need a nap.

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I'm all for anything that keeps Cliff locked up in the revolver forums, and keeps him out of the general population of the forum.

I guess we "need" Cliff for something (exactly what I have never figured out) but I would rather keep him controlled until his "special purpose" is needed.

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Man this Cliff guy must be interesting. We gotta meet up at a match somewhere.

Cliff how many 'cases' of cheap beer would it take to get you to come to Topeka and the Sunflower Classic?

I'm a poor farm boy so it can't cost much, wonder if anyone I know can turn a hopper of Corn into Mash?

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Well uhh..........................He umm............................................sorta....................


I'd squad with him anytime, anywhere (IRC ?)!!!!! :D:wacko:

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I guess there is no such thing as bad publicity????

pskys2: forget the mash, I'm not falling for the drink the unknown liquid from a barefoot Hilljack again. Come to Nats and bring Coors Light :wub:

I don't think L9x25 even owns a revolver and for god sakes someone tell him the skinny part of the thong goes in the back....

Dan, I'll mail my IRC stuff next month, bringing Luke Fay for his first with his band new randy lee 7 shot Ti 686. I'll put you down to squad with.

Florida Open in 2 days, going to be 80 here.....sweeeeeeeeet

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I don't think L9x25 even owns a revolver and for god sakes someone tell him the skinny part of the thong goes in the back....

Dude .... stop looking under my kilt!

If I were a real Scotsman, you would have seen more than my thong... :o

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Cliff, good luck at the Open, buddy--make sure Ricardo understands this is your turf!!

(Just as well I can't make it, I'd hate to have to buy an extra seat on the plane just to haul that giant, gaudy-ass trophy back to Iowa.)


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Who needs a giant, gaudy-ass trophy anyway ;)

Easy to say for a guy with three of 'em! :)

Have a great match, Cliff, Luke, Keith, Bob, everybody! Really wish I could be down there with you guys....

Edited by Carmoney
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Just got home.

great match, fun stages, good staff. gun ran great...

(Randy, I took Luke's gun, he'll be needing a new one)

Ricky had a bunch of trouble, 1st stage the ammo he got from Frank Garcia was bad. The primers were backing out when shot and binding the cylinder. Went to walmart and got the white box stuff (yes there is that much down time). 2nd stage, broke cylinder stop. Fixed that and then he couldn't get his head back in the game. He came on real strong on the last few stages but the early hole was too deep.

He will be at Area 4, IRC, and our Nats so start practicing; you will need it.

The final was, me, Ricky, Keith, Bob, and Luke. Only 5 this year was a real let down. I hope next year is better.

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