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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Eagle Scout 1


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My Son has been in Scouting since the age of 6 (Tiger Cub) and is now working on his Eagle project and is due to get his "Eagle Scout" rank this May (if all goes well).

Due to Scouting events taking place on weekends and his determination, drive and enjoyment of Scouting he has not gotten into shooting with me like I would have liked. He has stated that when he gets his "Eagle" he will back off of Scouting quite a bit and would like to shoot with me. I was going to get him a "Limited" gun built but due to him having childhood cataracts he has depth perception issues so I took a different rout. Figuring that I want him to get as much enjoyment out of the expierience of IPSC/USPSA as he can get we decided that "Open" division would be best for him.

The gun was built by a good friend and excellent Gunsmith who donated all labor and the complete upper including the comp.

I had the magwell powder-coated white and all I'm shopping for now is a good deal on a blue C-More (The theme is red, white and blue).




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Very very cool. A few years ago when I was a junior shooter, I had a few parts and a LOT of services donated to me. For high school graduation my parents paid for my trip to the Bianchi Cup. I can promise you that he will remember this for the rest of his life.

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