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I am looking to build a few tgts. Yes I know I can buy them from MGM etc. etc.

My job purchases alot of the ar500/t1/ar400 variety. Unfortunately the Air Force is a bugger to try and get scrap from.

Called a few of the local places (NW Florida) but nobody uses that hard a steel.

What do ya think the current price for 4'x8' sheet of 3/8" plate?


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if you're just shooting 'em up with 9's and 40's, and .45s etc, then plain ol' mild steel would work just fine.

something along the lines of A36, I think that's what they call it

oh, make it at least a 1/4 thick, my stuff I made w/ 3/8 and it's heavy, but it works.

I have shot 2 of them w/ .30-06 and .223 and they just about zipped right on through, at 200 yards even!

I'm guessing you got access to a welder, a torch or better yet a plasma cutter, and a right angle grinder.

Where I bought my stuff locally, I couldn't get a 3/8" thick plate in a 4 X 8 sheet. I think I got a piece 12" wide by 4 foot long.

Guess you got access to a forklift too.

Do you purchase steel for the AF?


Edited by Chills1994
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Yeah I got the welder,torch, access to a plasma , and a buddy that can deliver. I did find one place that said they didn't carry stock but could order it. They just priced out a 40ton delivery. He is going to get me the name of the local place that bought it. Maybe I can beg scraps.

He did let me know that a 4'x8'x3/8" was 740.00

Scrap is looking better and better.

I have some 3/8 a36 but was hoping to upgrade so I can use same tgts for slug and rifle in 3 gun. Might have to do with a36 until I can scronge scrap.


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Have you made steel targets before?

I was thinking about making a plate rack, but this last club I joined doesn't allow you to shoot at anything that can cause a richochet.

Dang suburban encroachment! "Hey! The club was there first. Quitcherbitchin', you silly homeowners"

I have a life membership to another club, but they are in the middle of an eminent domain lawsuit. And if that ever gets resolved, the rules might change where they wouldn't allow us to shoot steel out there either. Bummer.

But anyway...what kind of ideas to you have in mind for your steel targets? Where'd you get your "inspiration"?

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Its only 740.00 a sheet it was that much 3 or 4 years ago. We make a lots of steel targets for our club. This past year we made 50 8 inch plates that are captured in the stand and will not fall if you hit the stand. unless you have to have lots of stuff it might be better to just buy the rifle steel you need. You can use standard grade for pistols and it will be fine. We built two plate racks a couple of years back and they now have over a 100,000 ( very low estimate) rounds each and the plates are perfect.

You also have to be very careful cutting the hard steel with a torch as you can detemper it and you have wasted your money. We use a plasma cutter.

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Yeah I have made a few tgts before. Usually I will see something at a major match and try to improve it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. :)

If you have a no splatter req look at http://www.letargets.com/html/steel2.html

They have rubber faced steel just for that purpose. I haven't tried it but there is another thread here that is discussing it. You can also just buy the rubber to use on existing.


The current tgts we have were made out of mild steel. While you are correct in that they have worked they all are dished out (I could turn them arounf but then I get splatter and ricochet from a domed surface). I am looking forward to doing some three gun and figured if I am replaceing then use the ar500 and the tgts are interchangeable. The 740/sheet was what the guy said but then again he may have quoted me the price if I was buying 40 ton. If I go to the trouble of the sheet I have a friedn that has a CNC plasma that can cut the shapes.

Later, Steven

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When I first started making targets on the cheap, I used some regular old mild steel. Not a great idea because it dimples and bows. I am now using scrap AR 450 Hardox from a local fabricator. I think Sam bought a remnant about 4 feet by 8 feet for $15.00. I got two pieces of scrap for free. One was 44 inches by 10 feet the other was 45 inches by 10 feet. The key is to find a huge fabricator that uses the stuff by the millions of tons. In our case, the fabricator builds mining eguipment. I see you are in Florida. I am showing my ignorance here, but I wonder if there is a ship building yard that lines vessels that transport abrasive materials?

Edited by Ron Ankeny
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There are shipyards in pascagoula MS that might just have that type stuff on hand. They bild mostly naval vessels. Don't know how they fared throug the big blows but worth checking on.

Thanks for the pointer.. I had not even thought of a shipyard.


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