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February Contest

Patrick Sweeney

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February contest

Once again, it is time for movie quotes. The rules are simple: If you’ve won (let’s make it in calendar year 2005) you can’t play. You have to be specific. I want the name or names. At least one of the following: character speaking or being spoken to, or actor speaking or being spoken to AND you have to name the movie. Simply typing in “Hey isn’t that from ‘Behind the green Door?’ “ doesn’t get you an answer in the “correct column” even if the quote is.

We’ve a real mix, with setting over half a millennia, seven different genres, but lots of gunplay.

1) A: “Goin’ on a year now, I haven’t had nothin’ ‘twixt my nethers ain’t run on batteries.”

B: “I can’t know that!”

C: “I could stand to hear more.”

2) “You walk into a bar, and ten minutes later sailors are running out. What’s up with that?”

3) A: “I don’t know any Rwandans.

B: “You don’t know the guy in the trunk, either.”

4) “He was twelve years old and I had to tell him! Do you understand? I had to tell him what lay in his future.”

5) A: “And what to him from England?”

B: “Scorn and defiance, slight regard, contempt, and any thing that that may not misbecome the mighty sender, doth he prize at you.”

6) A: “What did you study in college?”

B: “18th century French poetry.

A: <laughs out loud.>

7) “You probably shouldn’t be digging in your ass like that.”

8) “Time to sleep. Time to die.”

9) A: “Now I don’t want to kill you, and you don’t want to be dead.”

B: “Nobody’s that good, Tyree.

C: “You want to find out?”

10) “Now step away. I would be a sad day for mother, were we both killed this day.”

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Not competeing, just starting my day, you don't even want to know how good I am at this once the brain is actually on line.

2. Long Kiss Goodnight

3. Pulp Fiction

5. Braveheart

6. Groundhog Day

9. Silverado

It's my curse, I walk around muttering movie quotes like some freakin' idiot. GOSH!!!

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We start things with a bang:

John Dunn, 2

Jake, 1

Carina, 1, and on the other, "missed it by That Much" (I'll give you, and you only, a bonus shot. Identify that quote and you get in the running.)

DirtyPool40, Multiple Procedurals for giving titles only and no names. Go back and re-read the stage description.

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8 Rutger Hauer- Bladerunner

It's been quite a while since I have seen Blade Runner but I think the quote was from Brion James, not Hauer.

A few minutes later: now I am not sure... Getting old...

Edited by ChuckS
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4) sounds a lot like:

Dogma - Metatron (Alan Rickman) to Bethany (Linda Fiorentino) refering to Jesus.

But the wording may bit different and I cant find my Dogma DVD. If it isn't then it is damn close and I want to know what it is.

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Well done. the score now stands at:

John Dunn 2

Jake 1

Carina 1

Steelshooter3 1

BerKim 1

wlkthdk 1

Vlad 1

ChuckS, the quote from Brion James was "Wake up, time to die." I should give you a bonus point for picking up on that.

I may have to post a bonus round to break the logjam.

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2) "You walk into a bar, and ten minutes later sailors are running out. What's up with that?"= Samual L. Jackson to Gena Davis

Movie: "A Long Kiss Goodnight"

3) A: "I don't know any Rwandans. = Jamie Foxx

B: "You don't know the guy in the trunk, either."= Tom Cruise

Movie: "Collateral"

6) A: "What did you study in college?"=Bill Murray

B: "18th century French poetry.= Andi McDowell

A: <laughs out loud.>= Bill Murray

Movie:"Groundhog Day"

I know a few of the others but can't remember the actors.

Edited by Bigbadaboom
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Correct. We now have a "situation." JOhn Dunn and Steelshooter3 have two answers each. All others have one. There is one question left. It could be the tie-breaker, and it could make the tie worse. If we have a tie, I'll post additonal questions for those in the tie to wrangle over.

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