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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

My First "open" Gun, Don't Laugh Too Hard....


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And now for some gun porn. This is my Kimber Classic Custom that I had built by a local gun smith with a Clark barrel/comp, Red Buff scope mount and Tasco PDP5 CMP, EGW mag well and a few other mods. This pistol was built for pin shooting but when I got into shooting USPSA it was the only pistol I had and thus I became much better at reloading my gun. lol

I just got an STI Eagle 5.5 with a comped barrel that will soon be wearing a C-More and all the goodies that go along with it but the Kimber is my first real baby.



By the way, does your range have one of these?


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lol I just wish I could have gotten a photo when he first arrived. Imagine 20 or 30 adults all wearing guns RUNNING to the ice cream truck like they were 12 again. lol It was a very welcomed treat in the heat of the day.

Joe W.

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It is a lot of fun to shoot. By shooting a single stack gun in Open it really has forced me to get a LOT better at my mag changes. I am sure this will help me a lot once I get my STI up and running. :) Right now I am classified mid C in Open and often can keep up with the B shooters point wise but my times are usually a few seconds slower because of my having to reload 3 or 4 times lol

Joe W.

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