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New Shooters First Match


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As a long time range/recreation shooter, I shot my first USPSA club match today, and what a blast. I have never had so much fun shooting. Everyone was amazingly nice and helpful. I got to meet local coordinator Raymond Lambert who contacted me when I signed up to recieve the USPSA info pack, and filled me in with all the details. The courses of fire were beautifully laid out, and the hosts were very nice.

I went into it with safety and accuracy in mind, and did pretty well for the most part. I did a slow jog between firing points, taking care to ingrain good habits in reloading and not breaking the 180. No concern for speed the first time out. I did push it one time, when I bent down to pick up a mag that fell out from not properly seating it on load and make ready. As i reached down, with the muzzle pointed down, I let it lean to far back. Everyone was nice enough to point out to me the close one, 1 more mistake I wont make again in the future = )

As for how it went, I shot everything fairly well, slow and steady. Didnt fumble anything up to bad, except a bad run leading to an extra reload on a plate rack. Just got to confident.

The last CoF of the day had a Texas Star. Ohh was I looking foward to that on my first day out. Luckily it was the last CoF of the day, and I had ample time to warm up. I decided I was going to go at this one pretty good. 4 papers on the right, 4 papers on the left, with the star last in the middle. got mostly alpha-alpha some A-C and 1 or 2 A-Ds, and to my supprise, wiped the plates out one after another, in quick fasion with little to no time for them to start spinning. I heard the best way was to shoot the top, top left/right, then the other top plate, leaving the 2 on the bottom to clear, and ended up shooting it just like that.

That was an excelent way to finish off my first day. I look foward to MANY more matches, with a great group of people, in the best sport I know. :D:D:D

edit: Forgot to add, it was great to be in the squad with Ray, and other master shooters, as well as an open GM whos name I did not catch. It was amazing to watch those guys shoot = )

Edited by USPshooter
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I'm happy for you, I know I've been there.

Have you smacked yourself yet for not shooting a match sooner? ;) I'm still pissed I didn't start 15 years sooner :angry:

Sounds like you had a great time and found a good club. Welcome to the addiction.

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I'm still pissed I didn't start 15 years sooner

Thats what I keep saying.

But maybe my retirement fund wouldn't have been so healthy.


Ah, but you would have been so much richer for fifteen (or whatever) years of experience!


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