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Sti Edge Accuracy


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What accuracy should one expect from a new stock STI Edge? Thanks

Good question, I wouldn't mind hearing a few opinions on this topic myself. I've had an STI Edge for about 2 years, and lately, it's accuracy seems less than great. Mediocre, actually. Both my Glock 34 and CZ 85 will shoot better groups! I don't know if this is a new development, or if it always shot like this. It sure wouldn't win any bullseye trophys. (but then, neither would I) Any other opinions or experiences?


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I just got a new Edge in 45 Auto a few weeks ago.

I havn't shot it enough to make any judgements about it yet.

However, early testing shows it to have respectable accuracy.

I have three other guns I can compare it with.

A Para P14.45 LTD with factory barrel and bushing.

An accurized Para P18.9 LDA with a Schuemann match grade barrel & bushing.

An out of the box SVI Infinity with Schuemann AET Ultimatch II barrel.

The Edge shoots about the same as the Paras, and close to but not quite as good as the SVI 40.

As I shoot it more and experiment with different loads, I will document the results and post them here.

One thing I have noticed about the Edge is that it produces velocities considerably lower than my other 45s (about 50 to 80 fps with the same load).

Out of the box, any Edge should be capable of groups around 2" to 2 1/2" with 5 shots at 25 yds with most any ammo.

If you can consistently shoot groups that size or better with other guns but the Edge will not produce them, it needs to visit the gunsmith. IMHO


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Hmmm.... I think a clarification is in order here.

I shoot a lot of groups with many different guns so I have a good picture of my own ability to shoot for accuracy.

All judgements about a gun or ammo have to be measured against that.

I often have groups that go down around and inch.

I also have groups that go up around 3"

I often have groups that have 4 shots under and inch and a flyer that opens the group up to 2 1/2".

This is mostly due to human error.

However, I don't eliminate flyers. I record the group size for what it is.

As an average of all shots fired, so far I have gotten about a 2 1/2 average from my Edge.

The average on my SVI and my accurized 1911 is around 2".

The average of both my Paras is around 2 1/2"

Consider the last issue if Front Sight.

There is an article that deals with the new Todd Jarrett Signature P40 from Para.

The author grouped several brands of factory ammo and results were 2.3 to 2.6".

Based on those results he spoke highly of the guns accuracy.

If you put these guns in a machine rest such as a Ransom rest they will produce groups a fraction of that size.

2 1/2 inches is not necessarily the accuracy my Edge is capable of.

It is the accuracy it it is capable of when I am shooting it.

Accuracy is highly subjective.

Almost any handgun is capable of greater accuracy than the guy that's holding it.

The question is: what are your expectations and how well can you shoot groups?


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I had a bone stock Eagle, the short dc edge, that I bought as a "cheap" back up gun when I went down South. Trigger was atrocious, but it was rediculously accurate. If you did your part it would shoot five shot groups at 25y under 1" standing, hand held.

I didn't often actually measure them, but when you can shoot five shots and circle them with thumb and forefinger, like an "OK" sign, then that's tight enough for me.

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I think part of the secret is most shooters don't bother to figure out exactly what the ultimate level of accuracy their guns are capable of. They find a load with a powder they like, a PF they like and a recoil they like and if it groups OK, done deal. For IPSC-type purposes, that's all you need. Not to say that accuracy is bad, just that eventually you hit diminishing returns.

TGO, who knows a thing or two about accuracy and winning, had a great post on the subject long ago.. saved for all time Here

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North, In my Edge's defense I think it's a very accurate gun! I can shoot tight groups with it at 25 yards (without a bench), and my called shots in a match leave me with no surprises! I think it's a very good starting point. When I decided to try my hand at IPSC, I plopped down the money on an Edge without ever shooting IPSC or the gun. Kinda foolish on my part but I'm impulsive. I'm glad I did, I love both!!! If you get an action and trigger job on the Edge I promise you'll love it!!!!! I wouldn't want anything else for Limited class.

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Mine is very accurate....I shot my last match with a stage with many 25 yard targets and under the clock I only dropped 3 points with a good time. I think the loads do thier part but I think my sight picture inspires me to more confidence than the gun. A fiber optic sight is what did the trick for me....everyone else may have their own comforting piece to the complicated puzzle of shooting under pressure. As for the trigger...yea it sucked out of the box. A 15lb ISMI mainspring and some bending on the sear spring....poof 2.5 lbs! There is a great article on brownells how to section for tuning the sear spring part....the STI is a bit different but it helps to see how they interact.

Got to change the Avitar!

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I had an STI Trojan that shot less than 1.5 inches @ 25 yards, then STI replaced the barrel, it is now around 1.0 @ 25. I brought an Edge and it was 1.5 @ 25. STI guns are pretty accurate right out of the box. 2.0-2.5 out of the box is reason for concern in my opinion. When in doubt call Chris at STI and ask him.

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I decided to put this question directly to STI.

I asked if the factory had an accuracy standard or specification on the Edge.

The reply I got was:

There is no accuracy guarantee.

However, on average, most will shoot 1 1/2 at 25 or better and 2 1/2 at 50 or better.

Many will exceed that by quite a bit.

This is a reasonable performance for a factory built production gun.

Thus far, mine has not done that well, but I need work with it a little more before making any judgement.

If I can't shrink the groups by an inch or so, it will be time to consider a visit to the gunsmith.


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Who cares about accuracy if it can hit a plate at 15 yards 100% of the time with no jams that is accurate enough. Friend of mine purchased a les baer gun looks cool and is very acurate however he has had feed problems with it from day 1.

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Who cares about accuracy if it can hit a plate at 15 yards 100% of the time with no jams that is accurate enough.

Who cares??? I do.

Maybe I'm weird but I like the bullet to hit where I aim and not go wandering around on its own.

Reliability is a separate issue that was not addressed by the individual that started this thread.


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Accuracy is pretty important to me...... If I'm shooting 4" groups off a bench at 25m that won't give me much confidence in my equipment. 2' groups and I'm happy, I know that it is me thowing the shots :D .

Like I said....... It's just a confidence thing.

If a stock edge isn't capable of sub 2' groups at 25m, I'd be surprised.... Provided the shooter is doing his part.

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Or it is the person who is applying tape to a target on average 5'10", 180 lbs. A generous accuracy standard. :D

I've not owned an Edge but I've owned several pistols built on STI frames. They all shot better than I could. My accuracy standard is twofold: get me through the Bianchi plates and keep them well within the A zone at 50. I've never had an STI based pistol that had problems with either.

My 5 in Limited pistol on an extended dust cover STI frame won me a Rob Leatham T shirt by placing a shot straight through a paster (the small kind) at 25 yards. That's good enough for anyone!

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