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Friday Flamer 1/27/06


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I'll kick it off today.

I hate phony phone rebates. Last February we bought new cell phones. The phones were "free" via rebate if you signed up for the one year contract. The terms for the rebate? You must submit all original stickers from the boxes, all original paperwork, your original paid phone invoice dated between 180 and 210 days after the phone purchase, proof of payment of same invoice, and the original rebate forms. Each rebate (renewing customer, new phone) form must be mailed in separate envelopes and be submitted between 180 and 210 days after phone purchase (tricky to do with the phone bill).

So I actually managed to fulfill every requirement. I even paid my phone bill early so the invoice would have a zero balance upon arrival. Since the forms were being mailed to a PO box, I couldn't do a "receipt return." Stupid me, I should have done a delivery confirmation to prove when I mailed it because now they are rejecting my rebate application saying that I didn't submit the information within the thirty day window. I do have an email confirmation that they received the forms - 'course it's dated 45 days after I mailed everything in. And their response to my appeal? Yup, it will take 30 to 60 days for them to decide that they are still going to reject it.

I'm sure the phone company is completely within the law (as some mouth-breathing legal weasel spent hours of research) with their "free" phone ads...but it sure isn't ethical to make it so difficult to get the rebate. And we're talking about $500.00 here.

If they come back and deny it, I'm going to the Texas public utilities commission....Air licenses I believe are handled at the Fed level so they'll be next.

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I hate that according to UPS my scope for my new AR was supposed to be here yesterday but never arrived. The best part is that according to the web site the last scan on the package was Tues at 12:31AM in Mesquite, TX. Hmmm, TX.....WV...not all that close.

That said 2 thumbs up to CDNN I ordered it Monday morning and they shipped it out that day. Now if UPS will just do their part.....

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I hate all rebates. Most of them nowdays are scams. What Carina is complaining about is pretty much standard procedure, with places like Best Buy getting sued over it. I NEVER consider a rebate part of the price, its just a bonus on the offchance that I actually ever get it, and I stay away from them.

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I NEVER consider a rebate part of the price, its just a bonus on the offchance that I actually ever get it, and I stay away from them.

Me, too - sorry to hear about your troubles, Carina. I had the same problem with my last cell phone purchase... well, similar, anyhow - it wasn't going to be free, but $70 cheaper, anyway...

I will say this - Intuit Software (the people who make TurboTax) are honorable, and make good on their rebates. The rebates are simple to apply for, as well.

Oh - UPS sucks. I've had a bunch of packages get held up in Mesquite :(

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Oh yeah .. UPS .. a pox upon them. They've "delivered" my new Bowflex the other day. And by "delivered" I mean they took the 8 giant boxes (which where so heavy I thought someone shipped me a disassembled steam locomotive) and dumped them in my back yard. Did I mention this was during a rainstorm, and that they droped the boxes in muddy puddles and left them to be rained on ... $2500 worth of steal bits in cardboard boxes all nice and soggy wet when I got home .... Grrr .. Its not like I dont have a friking porch they could have put them on. They leave boxes of ammo and once a handgun on my porch so why the decided to haul the 8 giant boxed behind my house is a friking mistery to me.

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rebates suck

and I am a Store Manager for Sears and we probably do a better job than most other retailers out there and I still say they suck.

There is zero gray area with them and who get's stuck taking the mark down at store level me!!! Who's profit line does that hurt me!!! Who's bonus does that effect me!!!

All because some crackhead mailed it in a day late, or the item was set up for delivery after the postmark date and there was no way to get a serial number or one of my dumb#ss associates gave them 0% financing and the rebate form and you couldn't get both that week, but the week before that you could.

Yeah I get all sides of it, the company screw ups, the customer screw ups and the associate screw ups....... :wacko:

You know what else I hate, people that don't work their schedules and are surpised when I fire them for not coming in!!!! I hate those people because now I will end up in an unemployment hearing explaining that this person didn't come to work on these days and what the attendance policy is and yes they signed their handbook, and yes they were made aware of the policy, and yes here is documentation showing this all to have them win the hearing because the attendance policy is too vague.

And on top of dealing with all this crap this morning I have to try and figure out how I am supposed to send my CZ to Angus for sights and a trigger and have it gone for 3-4 wks at the sametime I am supposed to finish shooting a couple of classifiers this month so I can finish my classification in production w/o a gun??? crap!!!

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I hate that a good friend of mine had to bury his cat about two weeks ago (cancer). Then he buried his two-year old dog just this week (cancer). Then was informed that his other dog has epilepsy and isn't especially treatable and that one may not last long either. His wife's horse had to be retired and is now taking meds for some pituitary disorder or other and has inconsistent behavior. Gah! This poor guy got majorly SLAMMED with pet misery! :ph34r::o

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I'll kick it off today.

I hate phony phone rebates. Last February we bought new cell phones. The phones were "free" via rebate if you signed up for the one year contract. The terms for the rebate? You must submit all original stickers from the boxes, all original paperwork, your original paid phone invoice dated between 180 and 210 days after the phone purchase, proof of payment of same invoice, and the original rebate forms. Each rebate (renewing customer, new phone) form must be mailed in separate envelopes and be submitted between 180 and 210 days after phone purchase (tricky to do with the phone bill).

So I actually managed to fulfill every requirement. I even paid my phone bill early so the invoice would have a zero balance upon arrival. Since the forms were being mailed to a PO box, I couldn't do a "receipt return." Stupid me, I should have done a delivery confirmation to prove when I mailed it because now they are rejecting my rebate application saying that I didn't submit the information within the thirty day window. I do have an email confirmation that they received the forms - 'course it's dated 45 days after I mailed everything in. And their response to my appeal? Yup, it will take 30 to 60 days for them to decide that they are still going to reject it.

I'm sure the phone company is completely within the law (as some mouth-breathing legal weasel spent hours of research) with their "free" phone ads...but it sure isn't ethical to make it so difficult to get the rebate. And we're talking about $500.00 here.

If they come back and deny it, I'm going to the Texas public utilities commission....Air licenses I believe are handled at the Fed level so they'll be next.

Cingular, Right? +2 for me. Me and my wife... Jumped through every hoop only to get the shaft on the deal. WHAT CRAP! <_<

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I hate that it is Friday night and I'm sitting on watch waiting for a damn phone to ring. Nothing like wasting 8 hours out of my time. I also hate that I have been through 3 different formulas trying to figure out which one won't give my newborn gas and let her sleep.


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I hate firing people even when I've given them every chance in the world to save their job.

Just fired 2 this week. One was a steady worker (used to be anyway) who was part of a group of hourly workers who have been following me to whatever plant I'm managing for the last 20 years. I really hated to get rid of her.

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Rebates are pretty much BS. Last time I sent one in the rebate clearing house used my info to start telemarketting me. The other half of that clearing house is a telemarketing firm and since I now had a business relationship....

I pass up rebates all the time now. I have $130 in rebates sitting on my desk and am debating whether I want to attempt them or not. The one clearing house has a very bad reputation. So, I'll probably just shred the damn things. I hate shredding "money".

I hate my bank. I have a very low interest MasterCard with them (have had it for almost 20 years) that I keep semi-active. Every month the bastards send me a packet of these stupid "Checks" which any ahole can get ahold of and use to run up big bucks charges on my account. They don't even hide the blasted things when they send them. Printed bolding on the front of the envelope is the announcement. During the holidays I was getting a packet of these damn things EVERY WEEK! I have never used one. I never will use one. The only way to get them to stop, according to the bank, is to close the account. Ya know... I just might.

I hate that my wife is sick with a damn flu bug. That's twice in the past 30 days. She didn't get a flu shot, I did. I haven't been sick. Doc says sounds like the "california" strain (which was in the flu shot). Nothing to do but wait it out.

I hate that some bozo wandered off with the range lock earlier this week. Just one of the casual range users that probably won't figure out he did it for weeks. Another member found the lack of lock so bought a replacement but now only he has a key. Not that the weather has been good enough to shoot today but it is supposed to be tomorrow and no way to get in. Dammit. I finally have some time to actually get some live fire practice in and I can't. And no other ranges that I have access to within reasonable driving distance. Ick.

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