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Stupid Carpenter Trying To Clean A Revolver

Tom Mainus

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Lets just preface this with I have never claimed to be a gunsmith or usually don't try anything that has to do with metal. If I can't beat it in place with a sledgehammer or cut it with a sawzall I stay away. But I thought I could handle cleaning my revolvers.

Am doing some long overdue cleaning of my revolvers tonight, no big deal. I get to my 627 8-shot 357. Take the cylinder out, soak it. Take the red-dot off and the scope mount. Clean the revolver. Put the cylinder back in, all looks good. Scope mount is still off. Dry fire the gun to make sure all is well. After the first click I hear something hit the floor. I find this little rod on the floor. Maybe 1/16th" wide by 1/2 tall. On top of the gun, right under where the rear sight would sit, there is a small hole where this rod looks like it belongs. Rod does not go in all the way. Sticks up proud of the top of the gun. Check all my other revolvers, none of them have this hole. Only the 357. What is this rod, where does it go , what does it do? Gun seems to be fine without it. Can some one please help a poor metal challenged person with this dilemma? Randy are you out there?


Edited by Tom Mainus
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How far did you take the gun down??? Side plate off??

I am not a gunsmith and I did not stay at a holiday inn last night but there is a little rod that goes inside the rebound spring. If you opened the gun, that could be it. I don't take my side plates off now that Randy worked on my guns. I would hate to let the genie out...


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Hey Im a carpenter too. hit with a finish hammer

I think you have what I would call the new model with the floating fireing pin. the block that the firering pin sits in is retained by that pin ... the sight or sight base would hold it in place = look at the bottom side of your sight base and you should see a slight mark that the pin made ?? if that is ware it goes. Push on the firering pin block to get it to go down into place the pin should fall in .

Or I dont know nothin about nothin

I don't take my scope mount off

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That is the pin that holds in the firing pin. Must be one of the original 627s though because they have since moved the pin to inside the frame under the plate.

When you put the firing pin back in make sure the little cut out shelf is set up to the side so that the pin can go all the way back in. A small screwdriver will help keep the firing pin aligned. Then, push it forward and the pin down into the revolver.

As an aside, do not stake the pin in after you have it there. Did that once and had to send it back to smith when the firing pin channel got gunk in it and the pin stuck.

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Thanks for all the help. I think the emergency is over. Az and Alamo shooter nailed it in the head. It holds the firing pin in. Talk about a stupid design! I started to mess with it last night and the next thing I know the firing pin is on the floor and this little spring is wedged down by the hammer. Luckily I got it back together and all seems fine. It wasn't easy though, I had to wedge the hammer back with an allen wrench because all of my revolvers are double action only. If I had a couple of more hands it would of been easy. Thanks for the quick replies and I promise to never clean my revolvers again.


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