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Does anyone here have any experience with Noveske barrels?

Their website says they are coming out with a light weight 18" barrel this month and i am itching to build another tactical upper for 3-gun

And i will say that the POLYGONAL rifling has really peeked my interrest!!!!!!


Edited by stiracer
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We sell a lot of Noveske barrels. His new lightweight contour is not really light, just lighter than his other contours. His standard contour is based on artillery barrel contours, so "light" to John is relative. The polygonal rifling works fine but requires you to turn the cleaning rod by hand to clean properly. It won't rotate with the twist otherwise and, contrary to what you sometimes read, they do need to be cleaned from time to time. Accuracy is comparable to button rifled Pacnor barrels (John does both standard and polygonal).

If you goal is a truly lightweight rifle, Noveske is probably not your #1 choice, but his barrels are good in the heavier weights.

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