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Next month's match will mark my first year in USPSA. I am currently firmly seated in D class. There are months that I am in the top 3 D shooters and there are months that I am terrible. The only reading I have done is Massad Ayoob's Guide to Combat Handgunnery. I have however ordered Mr. Enos' book as that seemed to be a good place to start. What book should I order after that? I want terribly to get better, becasue I love the sport and I am a fairly competitive person.

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I am at about the same time period in USPSA, though I had a LOT of handgun experience prior to USPSA. I have been a very good pistol shot for a long time, now I am learning to do that very quickly if you get what I mean.

I started in the bottom of D, and now and a high C/low B.

Getting started is slow, the learning curve is pretty flat until you know what to 'see' and 'look for'.

Get Brians book, read it once through, and it won't make much sense in some sections. Take what you get from it and apply it while you are re-reading it again. Also after you have one good read through on Brians book get Steve Andersons book on dry fire drills.

When you have a good basis in fundamentals Brian and Steve start to make sense at a rate you will not believe until you are theree.

It really is the simple things that make a difference when trying to get from D to C, and from C to B. Simple things will take you a class or two above where you are consistently and do it faster than you think is possible.

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