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Shooter Grrl

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WTF is wrong with this sport that no one on earth can run a match with open stages? Post the hours your stages will be open, collect the money and leave it up to the MATURE, ADULT shooters to get their butts through the stages when they're open. Need to shoot in one day, do it. Like to dawdle and shoot over 3 days, do it! Didn't get it done, too bad - you had the power to do it, it's your own fault it ain't done!

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I do not want to be behind anyone who doesn't care how long the match takes. I like shooting one stage per 45-60 minutes. I prefer structure and organization, it makes for a much more fun and predictable match. If a match is three days, or one day, I don't care, it is pre-determined, and I choose to participate or not. I don't like the chaos and complaining either, but there has to be a schedule or we would all wait hours to shoot stages.

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Squads suck. Especially like what they did at Nationals in Bend a few years ago. One hour to shoot a stage, then one hour off, one hour on, and one hour off from 8am to 5pm for 4 days. That was the longest 4 days I've ever spent shooting. You couldn't go anywhere and have nothing to do when not shooting. You can't sleep in either. I did find out Nolan drives MUCH faster than I do.

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I agree I hate to wait around doing nothing. My favorite format is to shoot half days so you have half a day to take it easy. Especially applicable at a nationals match.

But given that I did shoot a match once where it was open squadding. The walkthrough was written out and posted so there were no reading of walkthroughs. You do your wlakthrough while the stage is being reset. This is hard on RO's and you have to have plenty since you wont get any help pasting and setting steel from the shooters with this format. When you want to shoot a stage you walk up and shoot. I believe this was done by Larry Bullock at Area 3. He did schedule you so the only condition was you had to shoot it at least by your scheduled time or anytime beforehand. This was so everybody didnt show up on the last day to shoot.

It would work and is less stressful. Dont know why more havent tried it. Dont know why we didnt try it last year. I just didnt think of it.

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This is done at a couple open squad matches, if there is a group that shows up all at one time, they get read the stage along with a few minutes to walk through. That group shoots as one group with everyone taping.

If only one or two guys show up on a stage, usually they will help the RO tape after they shoot. It takes only a minute or two to tape.

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I did find out Nolan drives MUCH faster than I do.


Yeah, but not as fast as "Team 'Shroom!"


+1 on that. I was late one day and followed them from town.. well, tried to keep up mostly. Until we went over the little pass right before the range and discovered the valley beyond totally fogged in. I had the range turn in my GPS and slowed waaay down. Good thing too since there was a big wreck right there-- a shooter took a blind left and got smacked by a semi coming out of the fog.

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WTF is wrong with this sport that no one on earth can run a match with open stages? Post the hours your stages will be open, collect the money and leave it up to the MATURE, ADULT shooters to get their butts through the stages when they're open. Need to shoot in one day, do it. Like to dawdle and shoot over 3 days, do it! Didn't get it done, too bad - you had the power to do it, it's your own fault it ain't done!

I have to disagree. First with the MATURE, ADULT shooters part. Mature & adult are not inclusive. As a CRO I have had more problems with so called mature adult shooters who are sometimes worse than 2 year old children. Shoot a stage but forget a target and complain they need a reshoot because they didn't get a walk through.

Then there are those that don't want to shoot hard stages first so they all head for the easy stage for an hour wait while other stages have no shooters.

I have shot Area matches that had no delays at any stage and local/sectional matches that were unsquaded and had delays at most stages.

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