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I am flying out of LAX now. I have yet to fly out with guns at LAX.

Most airports have been great but I have a lot of anxiety about using LAX

Anyone have much experience flying in and out of LAX?

How are they about checking them in at the counter?

Anyone experience any lost firearms at LAX?

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I've had problems with an airline losing the bag my gun was in exactly twice.

BOTH times it was while transiting through LAX. One time, the bag simply "missed the plane", and showed up at the destination airport a couple hours later. The second time, the bag "disappeared from the system" at LAX, and didn't show up until 4 *days* later.

In both cases, I did get the gun back, along with some not-even-a-little-credible stories about what happened. But... these days, my first choice is a non-stop to wherever I'm going with a gun, and if I can't get a non-stop, my second choice is connecting thru anywhere *except* LAX.

Also note that in both cases, I was not checking in with a gun, nor picking up a bag with a gun at LAX, so I have no experience with those functions. I was simply making a connection *thru* LAX, and somebody somewhere in the bowels of the aiport decided that the bag with my properly-declared gun in it should be given a closer look....



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I have flown out of LAX a couple of times with no gun trouble. I usually field strip the gun so all they see is slide, barrel and receiver. If they ask to see if it is unloaded, I show them the barrel. The agents usually don't know what they are looking at but seem to take comfort in the fact the the thing I am showing them does not look very gun-like.

Had fun Sunday, let me know when you are town again!



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