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Steelers Win!


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The best record in league and losing at home in the second round, boy that's got to hurt. ;)

What did the official do?

I think the Steelers will beat Denver.

Manning is getting tagged with the "Can/t win the big one".



Edited by jkelly
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It's hard enough going against the best record in the league, in their house, in a girlie dome...But to have to play against the zebra's also is BS.

I don't know who monitors that crap, but they need to be fired. They damn sure better not get lost in Steel Country any time soon.

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Congratulations to all the Steelers fans!!!

Great game. The horrid officiating didn't make the difference. The intensity of the Steeler's was the difference. The Colt's didn't have a chance...

One of the untold joys of being a fan of teams like,

The Colts

The Pacers

Most of the Big Ten

Is plenty of practice being let down after a disappointing loss.

Good luck to the fans of the survivors, hope we do better next year!!!

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Where is that thread about the Colts being 11-0 and then 13-2 and going all the way....


they were robbed, check out the latest from the nfl <_<

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