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Requirements for scsa sanction for t1?

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Recently shot a match and never got scores. Looks like it might not have been approved for sanction but unsure if that's the case. Is there another document beyond rule book for requirements so I can know them?

The nori class is full this month or is just take that for more understanding. 

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you have to check with what ever match you shot. Matches arnt necessarrily sanctioned nor do they all post scores on practiscore or submit to an national org..
I would assume they have some way of posting scores though.. Either a club websight, email chain, facebook post, something.. How did you originally find out and or sign up ? maybe the place to start.


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it was on practiscore as  t1 match, no scores were uploaded and its been like a week. scores were taken on tablet, and i gave my member number. Just wondering if some requirement wasnt met. No worries either way at least it was practice but i would have run a spymode timer and kept better track if i didnt get to see my times :)

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Could be a couple things-- somebody forgot the tablets at the range or wherever, there's missing scores they're trying to sort out, whoever uploads scores is out of town or busy or maybe they just lost some scores or don't plan to post them.  Usually some polite asking will get answers.


Practiscore dashboard should show 'recent' match results.




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I did inquire via email but didn't hear back just yet.  Most important thing is fun was had so no worries.  and I'll ask when I go back in a couple weeks. Thanks just wondering if there is some match requirement list just so I may learn that beyond the rulebook. 

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I have shot at clubs that "don't get to it right away" or "don't want to pay the $1 or $1.50 per shooter". Some take their sweet time while you are waiting to progress to M or whatever, which drives you nuts!

They should have them if you go back in a couple weeks. Or if they had their ipad batteries charged!

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