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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Fn Slp Questions


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Hi, I have been shooting IPSC for a few months now and I want to get into 3-gun. I purchased an FN SLP. Is there anything I need to know about this gun? I haven't been able to find accessories for this, anyone have any suggestions?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice shotgun, thought about picking one up myself....but your giving up 2 rounds to the competition in 3-gun, which equates to alot of time. If your just doing it for the fun of it then you'll be fine, just be aware (and don't get frustrated) because many shotgun stages are designed with 9 rounds in mind. The moment you start feeling competitive look into a SX2 Practical, same gun but built for 3-gunning. Also, be sure it runs with light target loads.

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