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P320 Max Legion: Does anyone make a C-More/Romeo 3 Max adapter plate to RMR/SRO?

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I would contact Springer Precision as I've used their plates for the X5 legion, but it was not a Max and I don't know if the cut is the same or different. The Max doesn't have any optic plates listed here: https://shop.springerprecision.com/pistol/sig-sauer/p320/full-size/p320max/optic-mounts-sights/


This is the plate I'm talking about for a normal legion: https://shop.springerprecision.com/p320-x-compact-x-five-m17-legion-burris-mount/


You can also possibly ID your slide here to see if it works: 


Edit: I don't think this video includes the Max slide, sorry!




Edited by Haywizzle
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I was looking for the same thing but couldn't find anything except for what seemed to be a shady company. Following in case you do find.

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