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I hate popups. I have windows firewall and zone alarm running and still I cant get the stupid pop ups to go away. Im not any where near computer-stupid. Im 2 semesters away from a computer eng. degree (although I quit school for law enforcement), Im not fully up to date on the day to day changes in computer security, but with windows OS firewall, the zone alarms firewall, and a popup bar from MSN, I would think I would be popup free.........

wow wouldnt you know it, as soon as i post this the first thing that happens is a popup gets thrown in my face....grrrrrrr

Edited by Airic
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Its easy, use a browser that knows how to handle them. Opera for example is not only an amazing web browser, but also allows to choose if popups are allowed to spawn, spawn only when you actually requested one, or never.

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Download some anti-spyware stuff. Spybot Seek & Destroy is freeware and works real well. Ad-Aware from LavaSoft also has a freebie version that works well. You are basically infested. Microsofts currently free Anti-Spyware (beta) does a good job too. For bad infestations the best thing to do is to reformat and start over. For the rest of them download all three of these tools and run them repeatedly (all three of them) until they all agree that you are clean.

I don't think much of ZA as a firewall either but there are those that love it...to each their own.

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Download some anti-spyware stuff. Spybot Seek & Destroy is freeware and works real well. Ad-Aware from LavaSoft also has a freebie version that works well. You are basically infested.

Kimel beat me to it. When you said one popped up while posting to this forum, that's a huge red flag that you've got critters.

Clean 'em, kill 'em, Tookie-ize 'em. Then consider if you want to get another browser or make the security adjustments recommended by AkiDale.

If you share your machine with others in the home, you might also consider setting up different accounts which require a password to log in, and then make sure those folks (who may have innocently clicked on a link which then started this mess) do not have Administrator-level rights.


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You also shouldn't be running MS firewall and zonealarm together. They don't play so well with each other and it DOESN'T make it double plus secure.

Like other said, get some scanners.

MS anti spyware + ad-aware + spybot search & destroy should cover about 70% of spyware out there. (oh yeah, if you do try opera and spybot, do NOT immunize opera. It permanently breaks all your plug-ins. )

I personally use startup monitor as a second level of protectiona gainst things registering themselves to run at startup, but it is not readily uninstallable, so exercise caution. I';ve used it on 6 or 7 installs without incident, but that's me.

I also have added a hosts file that redirects well known ad and malicious site to localhost. You get white boxes wherever ads were supposed to be, but they are significantly less annoying than most ads these days.

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Popups, why cant i get them to go away

'Cause you don't have a Mac. :D

I get few pop-ups with my Mac and don't have to worry about viruses either.

That's why I got it, 'cause I didn't want to have to learn about all the complicated ways of preventing them that you're seeing people tell you here.

'Course, I can't get games or software, but that's another story.

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"'Course, I can't get games or software, but that's another story."

Some days you're the dog, some days you're the fire hydrant

Hard to get everything. :)

When I did all my MS security upgrades, my popups went away. I had been using Yahoo's blocker but have since removed it.



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