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New Old English Bulldogge


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Any bulldog fans out there?

We just got a new one, on the webpage below, he is listed as "Barnaby", he's been renamed. Awesome dogs, very friendly, and if this little guys temperment stays the same throughout his life, he'll be absolutely perfect,,,,,he plays about 15 minutes,,,,,spends the next 10 trying to get into your lap, then wants to sleep for a couple hours.

Now,,,the lap thing might not work out very well once he grows up,,,,his dad on the page below weighs in at about 85 lbs and will probably top 90 to 95 before it is over. Momma I want to say was around 50 to 55 lbs. His build now looks more like poppa but his facial structure is more like momma.

Smart as a whip,,,,we got him Saturday, and I'd say this is the fastest houstraining has ever came along with a puppy of ours and crate training is coming along well too. Looks like he'll have both down very soon.


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Hey, congrats to the member of the family!!!

They can get expensive. Just had my pup to the vet and the bill was $340 and it was just a regular annual check-up!!!


But she's worth it. Tipped the scale at 95lbs today. A bit less than I was thinking but quite healthy...

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Nice pic.

Nice coloring.

Last dog was a shelter adopted dog,,,,,tell me about expensive :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: After 3 days, she started getting sick,,,ended up being parvo,,,,,bam,,,,,just short of $1K in bills and we're told we got of cheaply. Then a neighbors dog attacks her a couple years later,,,,,,bam,,,,,about $600.00 there. Then we move out into the boonies and she gets into a tussle with "mystery animal",,,,,bam,,,another several hundred bucks,,,,,and oh, by the way, she tested positive for heart worms,,,,,,bam bam bam. :rolleyes:

Most expensive "cheap dog" I've ever owned,,,,but she too was a sweety and worth it.

Our new little guy is a blast, right now, he's guarding a pile of dirty laundry. But, his idea of guarding involves curling up in the middle of the laundry pile and snoring like a freight train. :lol:


If you find a breeder and go pay a visit, I'll advise you to take your check book or lots of cash, because you will come away with a puppy and a lighter bank account. ;)

Do some research, bully breeds do have a few things you need to do for them that other breeds don't require. If you'd like more info, feel free to PM me.



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Sweet!!! My aunt is bringing her two to visit. Buzzsaw (11yrs) and a new rescue Stella (3 years). Polar opposites in terms of personality, but both are a stitch! If you haven't, consider getting pet health insurance. My aunt has it on all of her dogs and swears by it. As prone as bulldogs are to health problems, it may be a wise investment.

3QT - BB looks great!

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They are a riot, as tough as they look, many people would never believe what sweet hearts and teddy bears they really are.

Health issues were one of the reasons we went with the "Olde English Bulldogge" breed. This particular breed has only been around since the early 70's.

There is a difference between them and the English Bulldog.

They don't have the same level of breathing problems as some bulldogs do, the hip problems have been reduce considerably, and dog aggression has been reduced largely, but as with all Bully breeds still needs to be monitored.


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Bully breads, and specially the Bulldogges and the American Bulldogs (like mine, look at the avatar) are some of the greatest dogs on earth. They are smart, loving, loyal, and have an amazing sense of humor, playing pranks on you and then running away 10 yards and laughing at you. I couldnt imagine ever owning another type of dog.

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Was your bully pretty docile as a pup? I'm starting to think our little guy is part cat....

Plays 10 to 15 minutes,,,,sleeps for hours.

Took him to the vet for his check up right after getting him as the breeder recommends,,,,with the exception of some roundworms, all has been well, but he's a sleepy little fellow.

When we get back from our Christmas trip, we're going to take some more pics. It is amazing how fast these little guys grow.

If you follow the links on the website I posted above, there are some more pics of other pups he has or has recently sold. I know he's got another liter coming up pretty soon and the sire and dam are just huge,,,,big boned, well muscled, and just teddy bears the both of them,,,,super friendly.

Lil Bit - our dog's dad is just a hoss,,,,,big boy, sweet dog, you'd try to scratch his neck and he'd take his head and force your hand on top of his head,,,,really strong dog. All the while he's gruntin' and snortin' and his whole body is wagging.


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I would have loved to have him as a pup as I can only imagine how wonderfull he would have been but alas, he as adopted around 2years old from a rescue (after he was found wondering the streets of Brooklyn at 45lb. He is now about 105lb not overweight).

However, they are not long range runners if you know what I mean. They have decent endurance at a slow to moderate pace but they are built for strength not for running around. So when he does go into "crazy dog" mode running all around the backyard or the park like he is being chased by lions, he does that for about 10 minutes and then he sleeps for 1 hour or so :)

So yeah, given that puppies sleep a lot, and the nature of the breed, I wouldnt be surprise if he spent a lot of time sleeping with brief periods of crazy bounce.

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Oh, I see I forgot to mention his new chosen name......

This is funny,,,,,


Yup,,,Stank,,,,,wife said, she always wanted a bulldog named Stank.



P.S. Of course, the 2 year old calls him,,,,,"stinky" which is applicable too,,,,,

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