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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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It's been a while since we showed our appreciation for our stupendous members. I'd like to say it's because of Covid, but the truth is that it's pure procrastination. With the Forums being down for a bit, it reminded me that we are here because of the membership. Please don't take the procrastination for a lack of appreciation. In honor of the Forums going back on line, February 2022 MOM award is given to a very long time member. He has always been there with good advice. Looking for stage advice? He's there. Looking for gunsmithing advice? He's there to help. He has been a member since 2001. You read that right. 21 years of contributing . This award is long overdue. This member hails from the one state not connected to the rest of us. Please join Brian and the Moderators in congratulating our newest MOM award winner...rishii. Ho'omaika'i


Thank all of you, I am honored 

but truth be told, I’ve learned much more than I have contribute and obviously I don’t have much of a life😂


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